Rector of Udayana University Attends Bali Regional Commissioner's HITI Focus Group Discussion

Denpasar - Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, was present at the Bali Regional Commissioner's Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of the Soil Science Association (HITI). The theme raised in this FGD is "Geostrategy for Regional and National Food Development" to support government programs in the land sector. This activity will be held on Saturday, September 7 2024 at the Four Star Hotel, Renon Denpasar.

Also present at this activity was the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University as the Bali Regional Commissioner's HITI Advisor as well as 60 offline participants from academics, practitioners and Bali regional government officials. The event began with the inauguration of the HITI Komda Bali management for 2024-2028 and continued with an FGD event.

Three speakers were presented as speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Zulkarnaen, M.S. from Chair II of Central HITI who brought the topic Geostrategy for Regional and National Food Development, Fahmi, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. from ATR BPN Bali Province who brought the topic of Spatial and Land Planning Integration in Supporting Food Security Development Strategies in Bali Province, and I Wayan Wiasthana Ika Putra, S.Sos., M.Si. from BAPPEDA Bali Province who presented material on Agricultural Development Policy in Bali Province with moderator Prof. Dr. Ir. Ni Made Trigunasih, M.P as chairman of HITI Komda Bali 2024-2028.