Udayana University Holds Blood Donation Activities in Commemoration of the 62nd Anniversary

In celebration of the 62nd Anniversary of Udayana University (Unud), a Blood Donation social activity was held at the Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (6/9/2023).

Chairman of the 62nd Anniversary of Udayana University Dr. Ketut Adi Atmika said that this blood donation activity is one of the activities that is routinely carried out in a series of Anniversaries. This blood donation event is open to the academic community, government agencies and the general public. This is part of community service and of course we also want to contribute to providing blood stocks, especially in Bali Province.

The target to be achieved from this blood donation activity is around 300 to 400 bags of blood. It is hoped that all Udayana University academics will take part in this activity to donate blood, but it is also possible for the general public because information in the form of flyers and other things has also been distributed. 

The donor activity was held from 10.00 am to 13.00 afternoon. The flow used is by registering online or offline while at the Agrokomplek Building, then continuing with registration, blood pressure checks, blood checks and others. The results of today's blood collection will be distributed through PMI throughout Bali per unit in the Regency/City. As an appreciation, the committee has also prepared basic necessities, namely rice and eggs which will be distributed to everyone who has donated blood in this activity.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel CZI Zamroni S.Sos M.Si as Head of the Planning Section for Korem 163/WSA who participated in this blood donation activity was very enthusiastic, apart from Bali, he also often donated blood while on duty in Palembang.

"What motivates me to take part in this blood donation activity is firstly to do charity through our blood which will be needed by other people, secondly is for our own health, with this blood donation there will be the production of new red blood cells in the body us," said the Head of the Planning Section of Korem 163/WSA.

With this blood donation activity in the context of the 62nd Anniversary of Udayana University, he hopes that Udayana University will be more successful, more advanced, and contribute positively to both Bali and the nation, especially to the world of education in the future.