Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University Celebrates its 57th Anniversary and 46th BK, Combined with the Planting of Tejakula Tangerine Trees

Rector of Udayana University (Unud), Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suradana directly opened the celebration of the 57th anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture and the 46th Faculty of Agriculture Family Agency (BKFP) at the Field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University on Friday (6/9/2024). This event was not only a gathering moment for the extended family of the Faculty of Agriculture, but also a historic moment with the planting of Tejakula tangerine trees in the Jimbaran Faculty of Agriculture campus yard.

In his speech, the Rector appreciated the family spirit that has been maintained by the Faculty of Agriculture for more than five decades. He also emphasized the importance of collaboration between academics, students and the community in maintaining the sustainability of local agriculture. He also hopes that through this activity, he will not only strengthen ties, but also make a real contribution to environmental preservation and agricultural sustainability in Bali.

As part of a series of events, activities were carried out to plant Tejakula tangerine trees, which have a long history as a local Balinese orange variety which became extinct due to the CPVD virus attack in the 1980s. The Rector of Unud along with the leadership and the Deans participated in planting Tejakula tangerine seeds as a symbol of hope for the revival and preservation of local superior varieties that once triumphed. 

It is hoped that this planting activity will be the first step in restoring the glory of Tejakula tangerines and inspiring the community to take part in preserving local plant varieties that have economic and cultural value.

With the spirit of kinship and togetherness, the celebration of the 57th anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture and the 46th BKFP is expected to be a momentum to strengthen the role of Udayana University in supporting sustainable agriculture and preserving local plants.