Strengthening Strategic Collaboration and Cooperation, Udayana University Attends NUNI Presidential Forum and Annual Meeting 2024

Collaboration and cooperation with other institutions both at home and abroad is one of the steps taken by Udayana University (Unud) in achieving a World Class University.  In order to achieve this goal, Unud and 21 universities that are members of the Nationwide University Network in Indonesia (NUNI) or a network of 21 universities in Indonesia are actively implementing strategic collaboration to increase academic excellence through collaborative research, mobility of research, faculty and students.

Every year NUNI annual meetings are always held at various member universities. The University of North Sumatra (USU) has the opportunity to host this year's event, (26 - 27 August 2024).

The Presidential Forum, Annual Meeting, and Student Camp are NUNI's annual activities which in 2024 will take the theme "Utilization of Natural Resources and Technology for Contributing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)." The goal to be achieved is to strengthen university cooperation under the auspices of NUNI by maximizing the exchange of ideas, resources and best practices in supporting sustainable environmental development.

The agenda for the forum includes the Partnership Council Meeting, NUNI Management Meeting with Liaison Officers and discussion of the activities of the student mobilization group, lecturer and staff mobilization group, research and innovation group, and global reputation group. This discussion evaluates the good activities that have been carried out in the last year and designs the activities that will be carried out in the following year.

Through this annual meeting, various opportunities are opened for Udayana University, one of which is the offer of collaboration coming from Maranatha University and Petra Christian University in the form of a Short Course Program and Summer Camp collaboration in 2025. Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Adiatmika, M. Kes. along with the Coordinator of the International Affairs Office, Senja Pratiwi, Ph.D. responded well to the offer because it could increase the number of foreign students and for the global reputation of Unud and NUNI.