Improving Prasiwara Skills, PPK Ormawa BEM Team, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University Conducts Prasiwara Training Vol. 1 in Nyuhtebel Village

Denpasar, BEM Press Bureau, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University - Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program Team (PPK Ormawa) Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (Unud) carried out Prasiwara Training (Prasa) Vol. 1, on Sunday, August 4 2024 at the Nyuhtebel Village Perbekel Office, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency. This training activity is part of a form of community empowerment carried out by the Ormawa PPK Team which aims to improve the skills of the Nyuhtebel Village community in producing prasi works of art. This activity was attended by the people of Nyuhtebel Village who work as prasi craftsmen.

This initial series of activities started with Prasiwara Training (Prasa) Vol. 1 regarding techniques for making prasi painting art. Prasa Vol. 1 accommodate the potential of the Nyuhtebel Village community in training to make prasi art, which in this activity has a direct impact on increasing the abilities of the Nyuhtebel Village community. Villagers are invited to create works of art on the lontar, starting from making sketches on the lontar to finishing by applying candlenuts to the lontar to create color.

At this event, the Ormawa PPK implementation team monitored the prasi-making process carried out by the village community. This activity was carried out to improve the village community's skills in processing lontar palm leaves into attractive works of prasi art. This can be seen from the results of prasi made by the community with a variety of unlimited creativity.

The activities that took place were greeted enthusiastically by the community and were dominated by the young generation from Nyuhtebel Village who showed a high level of willingness to learn. “It is very encouraging to see the enthusiasm of the young generation in this activity. "Hopefully, this enthusiasm will not only stop at today's event, this is an important task for the implementing team to continue to promote the work of prasi from this village," said I Made Denny Wahyu Aditya as Monitoring and Evaluation Team for Ormawa BEM PPK, Faculty of Economics and Business. Udayana University.

It is hoped that the implementation of the activities that have been carried out will increase the understanding and skills of village communities to increase the potential for better profits. "With this Ormawa PPK activity, I hope it can continue to produce maximum output and of course provide benefits to the community and village in order to make Nyuhtebel Village an entrepreneurial village," said Ni Ketut Suryawardhani Kusumastuti as Chair of the Ormawa PPK Implementation Team. (mrh)

Author: Kadek Ayu Mirah Ariyani