LAM-PTKes Assessors Visit the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in the Context of Field Assessment for Reaccreditation of the Neurology Specialist Study Program

Denpasar - LAM-PTKes Assessor Team (Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education in Health) consisting of dr. Eko Arisetijono Marhaendraputro, Sp.S(K) and dr. Arthur Hendriks Philips Mawuntu, Sp.S(K) visited the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Unud) in the framework of the Reaccreditation Field Assessment of the Neurology Specialist Study Program. The opening of the assessment took place in the Dr. A.A Made Djelantik Meeting Room, Faculty of Medicine, Unud, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (22/7/2024).

Present at the opening were the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Udayana University, Chair of the Institution, Chair of USDI, Head of UPT Libraries, Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine along with staff, Chair of the Senate, Study Program Coordinator and other invitees.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Unud Prof. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih in his speech said that the accreditation process in accordance with the mandate of the law is mandatory for all educational institutions, including study programs. He believes that the study program already has a vision and mission and then wants to produce graduates who fit the desired profile and have the competencies that our graduate users really need. As an effort to ensure this is achieved, of course you must have a system that will monitor whether all the processes running in the study program are in accordance with the standards that have been set together. This is where the role of the quality assurance system is to ensure this is achieved.

The internal quality assurance system is not yet complete because there is still a factor of subjectivity there, which is why an external quality assurance system is needed which will be able to provide a more objective picture of what happens in the study program. The LAM-PTkes Assessor Team who are present will accompany you to ensure that what has been reported through the documents that have been sent truly matches the reality of the study program.

Through this opportunity, the Dean also hopes for as much input as possible from the Assessor Team as material for improvement to make this study program even better in the future. The study program is also expected to provide as clear information as possible to the Assessor Team. The Dean hopes that through this process we will obtain maximum results and achieve maximum accreditation status as well, but what is more important is that accreditation is a process for how we always strive to improve the learning process that occurs in study programs, triggering the emergence of a culture of sustainable quality.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in his speech introduced briefly the profile of Udayana University. It was further stated that Udayana University is committed to developing human resources, facilities and infrastructure supporting education in a planned and structured manner to realize its dream of becoming a World Class University. One of which is through the implementation of quality assurance both internally and externally. Udayana University currently has 126 study programs and at the Faculty of Medicine there are 20 study programs accredited with the title of Superior out of 53 study programs at Unud that have achieved Excellence.

Through this opportunity, the Vice Rector hopes that assessors can provide space to the Task Force Team and study program if there are things that have not been included in the document even though they have been implemented by the study program. He hopes that the Neurology Specialist Study Program can achieve the title of Excellence.

Assessor Representative Dr. Eko Arisetijono Marhaendraputro on this occasion said that the quality assurance process is very important because the aim of external quality assurance is actually to measure disparities or differences or gaps between standards that have been outlined by the parties, in this case LAM-PTKes in the management process of an educational process compared to with what has been done by the study program or UPPS. Continuous Improvement is the most important thing.