Udayana University One Health Study Center Holds OHSC Again to Improve Student Soft Skills

Denpasar - Udayana University's One Health Study Center (Udayana OHCC) is carrying out Udayana One Health Student Club (OHSC) Bath 6 activities again. This activity will facilitate various trainings to develop One Health competencies in carrying out collaboration, communication and coordination across sectors and institutions. The opening of the activity took place in Lecture Room 3.01, Faculty of Medicine Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (4/7/2024). The activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and was also attended by the Chair of the One Health Study Center (OHCC) Unud, Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Medicine of Unud Prof. I Made Ady Wirawan who was also one of the speakers for the activity, and other invitees.

Chair of OHCC Unud Prof. Ni Nyoman Sri Budayanti in her report said that this was the sixth activity, where the aim was to teach soft skills. So students who take part in OHSC activities will gain more soft skills because One Health is basically an approach using communication, collaboration and coordination.

"Because what we will learn later is how to communicate, how to collaborate and later there will also be a module, there will be how to make a good proposal, then we will also have a field trip," she said.

He hopes that participants can take part in all the activities which will last for 8 weeks. There are also participants who took part in this activity from several universities in Bali, where the number of registered participants is currently 36 people.

INDOHUN Representative Prof. Agus Swandono expressed the hope that students would be enthusiastic about participating in this activity from start to finish so that later students who had been equipped with practical hard skills and soft skills would be ready to implement the approach after they graduated and entered society. Through this opportunity, the party also expressed its appreciation to Unud and OHCC whose achievements have been recognized internationally through one of its activities, namely the One Health Student Club.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech expressed his gratitude to OHCC for carrying out the OHSC Bacth 6 activity, which is an activity to improve besides hard skills, the main ones are soft skills. This soft skills improvement activity is very close to its duties in the student affairs sector and the party hopes to improve soft skills through student activities and one of them is OHSC. 

"Our hope is that with this activity, the participating students will be able to work together, collaborate, communicate, communicate and respond quickly in terms of a scientific discipline approach," he said.

In the future, if this activity can be packaged as disaster mitigation, it is hoped that it can mitigate this disaster. It is also hoped that apart from improving soft skills, participants can also be recognized with credits through related courses and support MBKM performance indicators at the University.