Udayana University International Advisory Board (IAB) Holds IAB Meeting Online

Udayana University Secretariat IAB (International Advisory Board) held an IAB Meeting on Thursday, July 18 2024 online. The online meeting was held to discuss recommendations from the results of the 2023 IAB Annual Meeting as well as the progress of implementing these recommendations, as well as preparations for the 3rd Annual Meeting 2024 which will be held as part of the 62nd Anniversary of Udayana University this year. 

The 2024 online meeting was attended by IAB internal member Prof. Suastika, Chairman of IAB Prof. Adrian Vickers (University of Sydney), Vice chairman Prof Harry W. Palm (Rostock University), Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Udayana University, Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Vice Rector for Cooperation at Udayana University, Chair of LP3M, IAB Secretariat Team, and Udayana University LP3M Internationalization Center Team. 

The meeting was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, representing the Rector, who in his speech expressed his appreciation for the willingness and commitment of Prof. Vickers and Prof. Palm in providing input for the advancement of Udayana University's international recognition. At the same time conveying some of the progress of research and learning activities that have been carried out at Udayana University in line with recommendations from the previous IAB meeting, including agendas that are still in the preparation stage for implementation. 

Next, Prof. Suastika presented in more detail the progress and challenges that Udayana University still faces in implementing recommendations, where this requires coordination and adjustment to the current conditions of Udayana University.

The next session was an in-depth discussion and discussion of important recommendations for increasing international recognition, including the importance of improving the website with clear and detailed content about programs at Udayana University that foreign students can take part in, content that describes research activities at Udayana University. Udayana University makes it easier for national and international universities to invite and initiate research collaborations, and finally regarding preparations for the Annual Meeting which is planned to be held in a hybrid manner on September 28 2024 in the context of the 62nd Anniversary of Udayana University.