Udayana University Student Representative Council Holds Fit and Proper Test for Chair of KPRM 2024

The Student Representative Council (DPM) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Fit and Proper Test activity for candidates for Chair of the 2024 Student General Election Commission (KPRM) at the BM Building, Faculty of Tourism, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (21/6/2024). This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana, where there are three candidates for Chairman of KPRM who took this Fit and Proper Test.

The three candidates for Chair of KPRM are Jeffry (Faculty of Agriculture), I Made Budhi Arditya Dwiputra (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) and Josua Synocto Hutabarat (Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries). This Fit and Proper Test involved three panelists, one of whom was the Chair of KPRM for 2023.

Chair of the Open Recruitment Committee for Chairs of KPRM and Bawasra in 2024, Eiunike Aurora Shafia Putri, in her report said that this activity is a series of open recruitment activities for Bawasra and Chairs of KPRM which are carried out once a year as an implementation of PP Pemira Number 1 of 2024 concerning General Elections at Udayana University. This open recruitment activity has the theme "Encouraging Participation and Synergy of Electoral Bodies" which adheres to the vision of maximizing all units at Udayana University to make the General Election a success.

This activity started with the Udayana Election Talk agenda which was useful for sparking student interest, then continued with the Bawasra open recruitment and also the consolidation of delegations from 13 faculties, then now we have arrived at the KPRM Chair's open recruitment agenda, namely the fit and proper test. He hopes that this agenda will further strengthen an inclusive and sustainable General Election system and with this activity they can find leaders to carry out the General Election at Udayana University.

Chairman of DPM Unud Ni Luh Yudi Ayuningsih said that this activity was an important momentum for everyone, especially for the three KPRM candidates, where he hoped that in carrying out the fit and proper test process, all candidates would put forward every process that took place to show the best competition in terms of skills, knowledge and behavior. which reflects a future leadership attitude at KPRM. Through this opportunity, the Chairman of the DPM also expressed his thanks to the Panelist Team who had taken the time and energy to carry out a first and proper test for all candidates for Chairman of the KPRM who would later lead the entire General Election process at Udayana University.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech expressed the hope that through the process and several stages that have been underway this will certainly produce a credible KPRM Chairman. He hopes that whoever is elected will show his neutrality and credibility as Chair of KPRM at Udayana University.

Of course, there will be quite a lot of challenges, the KPRM chairman must be able to position himself as a chairman who will not take sides with anyone, and carry out the existing rules. As long as it goes according to the rules, the party is confident that all questions that will arise will definitely be answered. Through this activity, the credibility of each candidate as KPRM Chair will be tested. The Vice Rector hope is that all ongoing processes will provide the best results.