BEM Udayana University Holds LKMM-TM 2024, Forming Ideal Leader Characters

Denpasar - The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Udayana University (Unud) collaborated with the Student Affairs Bureau to organize LKMM-TM (Student Management Leadership Training - Middle Level) in 2024 with the theme "Among Karsa Abirama" at the Hall of the Unud Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (21/6/2024). This activity was attended by around 150 students representing 13 faculties within Udayana University and was opened directly by the Rector of Unud.

Also present at the opening ceremony were the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Head of BKM, Vice Deans II of Faculties, Chair and Secretary of the Student Interest, Talent and Organization Development Unit, Chair and Secretary of the Character Development and Community Service Unit, and other guests.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee I, Kadek Bagus Praditya Widiana, in his report said that this activity was designed by the Ministry of Student Resource Development, BEM Unud, where this activity was carried out to equip students with the skills to form ideal leader characters according to their era. With this LKMM, participants will be given material in the form of leadership material, starting from leading themselves, a group of people to being able to give birth to new leaders. He believes that the LKMM 2024 participants are individuals who have potential, therefore it is hoped that the participants will be able to take part in the activities with full sincerity, enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

"So let us use this momentum to improve the quality of student resources at our alma mater," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chair of BEM Unud I Wayan Tresna Suwardiana said that the 2024 LKMM-TM was presented to be a forum for participants to hone soft skills, develop leadership thoughts so that a generation of leadership could occur at Udayana University itself. LKMM-TM is also present as a way for us as potential leaders in the future, the importance of which is to lead ourselves first. If we have led ourselves, then we can lead others in a larger group on a wider scale later.

"The hope is that this LKMM-TM can also provide wider insight, broader insight later to fellow participants which in the future you can use to make an impact, provide benefits both for yourself, the surrounding environment, the university and Indonesia and that too. later," he said.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that LKMM is very important because this is the right and good momentum to hone students' management skills, where before becoming a leader, first learn the skills of how to manage yourself first, then manage other people or groups, then -greater management. The Rector asked participants to use this opportunity to hone themselves and gain knowledge from the speakers.

Apart from that, by participating in extracurricular activities such as UKM, BSO, BEM and so on, the aim is also to improve soft skills, while hard skills are obtained from learning in class. The Rector also advised students that even though they are involved in organizations, they must also be able to manage their time so that all course assignments can be done and they can graduate on time.

This activity presented several speakers, namely I Made Andi Arsana, ST., ME., Ph.D, Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, S.IP., MA, Dr. Dr. Anak Ayu Sri Wahyuni, Sp.KJ and Dr. Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, S.Sos., M.Sc. Meanwhile, the material provided in LKMM is about The First Principle Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Assertive & Persuasive Communication as well as material about Social Awareness & Nationalism.