Closing of Paralegal Training by MBKM Bina Desa Darmasaba Udayana University

Darmasaba - June 13 2024, Paralegal training held in Darmasaba Village has officially closed on Thursday. This program is part of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) activities and is carried out by students at the Faculty of Law, Udayana University, in collaboration with the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Cakra Eka Sudarsana (CES).

On the last day of training, the material discussed focused on providing legal assistance, in accordance with Law no. 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid. Resource person from LBH CES, Ni Putu Nathalia Dewi, S.H., emphasized the importance of government involvement in providing justice for all Indonesian people, especially for village communities and those who are less fortunate.

"The presence of the Legal Aid Law is a form of government participation and involvement in providing justice for all Indonesian people. This is because there are difficulties for village communities or underprivileged communities in getting access to justice, so it is facilitated by the government in the form of legal aid, namely the provision of legal services provided by providers "free legal assistance to legal aid recipients," said Ni Putu Nathalia Dewi, S.H.

In presenting the material for the second session, Ida Bagus Made Tilem, S.H, M.H, CLA, one of the resource persons in this training also emphasized the importance of communication techniques for paralegals. "An important communication technique to use when communicating with the public is to listen carefully to their problems. As a paralegal, you must not take sides in resolving a problem. The function of a paralegal is to reconcile problems peacefully," he explained.

The Paralegal Training which was carried out on June 6 2024 was officially closed by the Darmasaba Traditional Village Head, Ida Bagus Surya Prabhawa Manuaba, S.H., M.H accompanied by I Putu Rasmadi Arsha Putra, S.H., M.H. as supervisor and representative of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University.

This training is expected to increase the capacity of paralegals in villages, so that they can provide more effective and fair legal assistance to people in need.