LPPM Udayana University Holds KKN Period XXIX, KKN LIK OJK, and PUPR IT KKN 2024 Training

Udayana University (Unud) through the LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service) carries out General Provision of Real Work Lectures (KKN) PPM Period XXIX, KKN LIK OJK (Financial Literacy & Inclusion of the Financial Services Authority), and KKN TI PUPR (Public Works Infrastructure Thematic and Public Housing) in 2024 on Friday (14/6/2024) after previously carrying out special briefings on 10, 12 and 13 June 2024.

Chairman of LPPM Udayana University, Prof. I Nyoman Suarsana, in his report said that in this period as many as 3,617 students took part in KKN in 231 villages which were divided into 30 OJK villages, 10 PUPR villages, 100 PUM villages and 91 regular villages. This year's KKN carries the theme KKN Unud Serving for Villages with Economic Power, Health and Quality Communities.

Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana opened the General Debriefing of KKN PPM Period XXIX, KKN LIK OJK (Financial Literacy & Inclusion of Financial Services Authority), and PUPR IT KKN (Public Works Infrastructure and Public Housing Thematic). In his speech he said that today's debriefing activity was correct. -It can really be used to provide provisions to students participating in KKN PPM so that when they arrive at the KKN location or in the village they can become agents of change in society and become role models.

In order for KKN to run well and smoothly, there must be synergy and cooperation of all parties involved, both from faculties and study programs, KKN committees, district coordinators who coordinate with villages, and field supervisors who guide KKN students in the field. The Rector of Unud hopes that this KKN will have big benefits and impact on the people of Bali. Not just a formality and passing by, KKN must give a good impression and will always be missed by the village community.

Chief Executive of Financial Services Business Conduct, Education and Consumer Protection and Member of the OJK Board of Commissioners, Friderica Widyasari Dewi, had the opportunity to give a speech via video at this briefing event. She said that in order to reduce the gap between the literacy index and financial inclusion, OJK has consistently and continuously carried out cooperation and collaboration to increase financial literacy and inclusion, one of which is the OJK Ngiring ke Banjar program. She invited all students to become a financially intelligent generation without imitating the bad things done by influencers who lead to consumer habits and to be careful in using social media so that personal data is not misused by irresponsible people.

She also said that this activity was one of the strategic alliances in the context of increasing financial literacy which was carried out in 8 districts in Bali. Ending her speech, Friderika expressed her thanks and great appreciation to Udayana University and all OJK people for this collaboration. She believes and hopes that through this KKN the presence of students can provide great benefits to the local community and create a broad positive impact. 

Present as a speaker in this general briefing was Kombes Pol. Daniel Widya Mucharam, S.I.K., M.P.A Karorena Bali Regional Police who presented material entitled The Role of the National Police in Maintaining Public Security and Order and Law Enforcement, and the second resource person was the Deputy Director of OJK Supervision for Bali Province who presented material entitled Acceleration of Equal Distribution of Public Financial Literacy through Financial Literacy Data.