Watch Ramadrama with BPOM held at Udayana University, Socialization of BPOM Campus Wellness Entrepreneurship

Denpasar - The Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) held Simakrama activities with BPOM, Socialization of BPOM Campus Wellness Entrepreneurship: Towards 2024 POM Agency CASN Recruitment at Udayana University (Unud). The activity with the theme "Where Talent Meets Opportunity" took place in the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (14/6/2024). This congregation was attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information representing the Rector of Udayana University, Head of the Human Resources Bureau of the POM Agency, Representative of the POM Center in Denpasar, Director of Prevent Prevention of BPOM, Head of the POM Center in Bandung, Head of the POM Workshop in Buleleng, Head of UPKA Unud, Chair of Inbis Unud, as well as alumni from various universities in Bali.

Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes in his speech expressed the hope that the presence of BPOM at Udayana University could provide the widest possible information and also related to CASN recruitment at the POM Agency. On behalf of the academic community, the party would also like to thank the POM Agency for choosing Udayana University as the venue for the socialization. 

"Of course, this is a good opportunity in the era of information openness, we will all be given information regarding CASN recruitment," said the Vice Rector.

The Vice Rector hopes that this activity can be used to obtain as much information as possible about the opportunities to become an ASN at the POM Agency. So that everyone knows the opportunities to become an ASN at BPOM and when they want to apply, everything is ready. The Vice Rector also hopes that in the future there will be Unud alumni who will be accepted as CASN at the POM Agency.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Human Resources Bureau of the POM Agency, Dr. Irwansyah, S.IP., M.Si, who was also the resource person in his material, said that the implementation of this socialization had three objectives, namely picking up the ball on CASN implementation with the hope that many digital talents could then join and strengthen the POM Agency. This year, the number recruited was quite large, so they were present directly for outreach on various campuses. Then secondly, it is a form of transparency from the POM Agency as a public body that has received the informative title. And the third is to introduce business processes at the POM Agency, so that this activity is not only a socialization of the recruitment process but also prepared both to introduce how the business processes run at the POM Agency and if anyone wants to do business in the medicine and food sector, they can discuss directly there. In his presentation, the Head of the HR Bureau also briefly introduced the POM Agency in carrying out its duties and functions.

In this activity, material was also delivered from several other speakers, namely the Director of Prevent Prevention BPOM I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Kusuma Dewa, S.Si, Apt, MPPM, and the Head of the POM Center in Bandung Drs. I Made Bagus Gerametta, Apt who shared information and opportunities at the POM Agency.