BEM, Faculty of Law, Udayana University Holds Film Screening and Briefing for the 2024 Legal and Assisted Village Socialization Committee

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University, held a Film Screening and Briefing Activity for the 2024 Legal Socialization Committee and Assisted Villages on Friday (24/05/2024) at the Hall of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University. This activity carries the theme Darma Wiguna Sadaya which means Service that is Useful for All.

This activity presented two speakers, namely I Gede Janitra Rad Winatha with material on Advocacy for Community Service and Basic Ethics in Community and I Kadek Krisnandika Aristya Putra, S.H with material on Methods of Executing Issues in the Village.

Through this briefing activity, it is hoped that we can provide learning before going to the village so that later we can provide more effective things in the fields of education and service and can implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.