Udayana University Holds Kick Off Tracer Study in 2024

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) held the 2024 Kick Off Tracer Study at the Nusantara Room, Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (27/5/2024). The Kick Off Tracer Study was attended by the Rector, Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Deans and Vice Dean III, Chair of USDI, Study Program Coordinator, UPIKS, Student Affairs Bureau, Center for Student Creativity and Achievement, Career and Alumni Development Unit as well as BEM and DPM representatives.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech congratulated the Udayana University IKU team, especially the IKU 1 team for successfully meeting the Main Indicator Achievements for 2023. This year the achievement reached 77.83 percent where the standard achievement was 60 percent. This is the result of everyone's hard work, without working well it is difficult to achieve this figure of 77 percent.

The Rector expressed his appreciation for this and hopes that it can be improved further and not decreased from the previous year. In accordance with Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 210/M/2023, there are indeed several changes, especially in IKU 1, where this is the task of the unit in charge of student affairs as well as IKU 2. Specifically related to alumni, this is in IKU 1. Now the condition is that alumni get a job in less than 12 months, whereas previously is 6 months. Likewise, continuing studies for less than 12 months, whereas previously it was 8 months, and entrepreneurship, which previously took less than 6 months, now takes less than 12 months.

Of course, with this, you still have to provide training to students so that they can get a job in less than 6 months. There are many good programs from the ministry that can encourage students to become entrepreneurs.

It was further stated that the response rate for our study tracers has reached 85 percent, but we do not yet know whether we are among those who received awards at IKU 1. Hopefully with this achievement and the assistance provided, this can be achieved. We must work together to achieve the work targets we have signed. The Rector hopes that the presence of all units can provide synergy in every activity carried out.

Chairman of UPKA Dr. Kadek Dwita Apriani, who also served as the resource person on this occasion, conveyed regarding the 2024 Tracer Study where there are things that have changed from the 2022 to 2023 and 2024 tracer study provisions so that every year a kick off is carried out considering that there is a shift in the rules. For the 2023 tracer study evaluation, there are several notes, namely the quality of the data filled in on the questionnaire by alumni. Where there are still errors in filling in cellphone numbers and entering nominal income that does not make sense so that during the quotation test verification by the ministry the data is declared invalid.

Implementation of the Tracer Study in 2024 for graduates graduating in 2023 at the S0 and S1 levels where the questionnaire fully adopts the questionnaire on the Dikti tracer study website with a filling time of only 4 to 12 minutes. The filling will start May 27 2024.