Udayana University Opens Booth at the 2024 National Education Day Free Learning Month Exhibition at BPMP Bali

Udayana University (Unud) participated in the Exhibition celebrating the Free Learning Month to commemorate National Education Day (Hardiknas) 2024 with the theme "Moving Together to Continue Free Learning" which was held at BPMP Bali on 25 to 27 May 2024. The opening of the exhibition started with a lively healthy school movement and healthy walks which were also participated in by the Udayana University academic community.

The exhibition, which was attended by educational institutions including the Education Quality Assurance Center (BPMP), Unud, Ganesha Education University, Bali State Polytechnic, LLDikti, Bali Cultural Preservation Region . Also present at the opening ceremony were the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information at Udayana University, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Heru Susanto from BPMP Bali, in his report said that this activity was held to celebrate the month of independent learning to commemorate National Education Day 2024. This activity is also a concrete manifestation of implementing the independent learning program launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

This activity is not only a showcase for UPT but also a means of learning and exchanging experiences. It is hoped that it will strengthen the educational and cultural ecosystem. Merdeka Belajar is a concept to provide freedom and independence in the teaching and learning process. This exhibition will last for three days, 25 to 27 May 2024 and will be filled with various activities such as healthy walks, workshops, mobile cinemas, book bazaars, exhibitions and others. 

"I appreciate all work unit leaders, leaders and exhibitors. Hopefully this can strengthen synergy and collaboration, making it a moment to continue to innovate to improve the quality of education in Bali Province," said the Chair of the Committee.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPMP Bali, I Made Alit Dwitama, in his speech said that in the 4 years we have been independent, we have learned many challenges that we have overcome together. This program shows improvement in children in the learning process. Today we gather together to move together to continue independent learning.

"Hopefully this will strengthen all units to create better and quality education," said the Head of BPMP Bali.

At this exhibition, the Udayana University booth displayed MBKM achievements and products from 5 P2MW groups. The P2MW group that exhibited their products were Team Salca, REM, Smart Farming, Biosafe and Brikel with various products including Autoplandes, coffee from salak, probiotics, a fashion clothing line about mental revolution and briquette products from coconut shell waste.

Vice Rector Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, on the sidelines of reviewing the exhibition booth, revealed that Unud had participated in this exhibition and that the independent study program at universities had quite an impact. In the future, his party will continue to innovate to develop the Independent Campus Learning program which is beneficial for institutions and students.

One of the Udayana University students who participated in this exhibition explained that this exhibition was a place to showcase the business ideas they had developed. Students also hope that in the future more students will qualify for the P2MW program funding, so that more young entrepreneurs will be born from Udayana University.