Strengthening Cooperation in the Fields of Civil Law and State Administration, Udayana University and the Bali High Prosecutor's Office Sign a Cooperation Agreement

Udayana University (Unud) extended its collaboration with the Bali High Prosecutor's Office, marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS), at the Bali Dynasty Resort Kuta, Monday (20/5/24). The PKS signing event was combined with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Eradicating Corruption Crimes", which immediately presented the speaker, the Head of the Bali State High Prosecutor's Office, Dr. Ketut Sumedana, SH., M.H, with moderator Dr. Kadek Dwita Apriani, S. Sos, MIP.

This activity was attended by the Rector of Unud, Assistants and State Attorneys at the Bali High Prosecutor's Office, Chair of SPI, Vice Rectors, Deans and all levels of leadership at Udayana University.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana said that this activity was an important moment for Unud because it had the opportunity to re-affirm its close cooperative relationship with the Bali High Prosecutor's Office through the signing of a strategic Cooperation Agreement. Collaboration between educational institutions and law enforcement agencies such as the Bali High Prosecutor's Office is a very important step in strengthening the role of universities as agents of positive change in society. As a higher education institution that has existed for decades, we are aware that our responsibilities are not only limited to learning in the classroom, but also to real contributions in advancing social, economic and legal life in society.

Collaboration between Unud and the Bali High Prosecutor's Office is also an important step in strengthening governance within Unud. Unud cannot stand alone in university governance, and needs assistance provided by special agencies, one of which is the Bali High Prosecutor's Office. With the signing of this Cooperation Agreement, Udayana University is committed to increasing collaboration in various fields, especially in Handling Civil Law and State Administration Issues, as well as activities in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely in the fields of Education, Research and Community Service.

The themes raised in this FGD are considered important and very necessary for stakeholders, especially within the Unud environment in providing understanding for leaders which will later have an impact on activities carried out within the Unud environment, especially in institutional governance.

"Let's welcome this collaboration with a spirit of togetherness and determination to carry out the commitments we have made. I am sure that this collaboration will have a positive and real impact on all stakeholders involved," said the Rector.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bali High Prosecutor's Office, Dr. Ketut Sumedana said that through the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) it is hoped that it will be possible to further strengthen the relationship with the Rector and the ranks of the Bali High Prosecutor's Office as well as increase cooperation and synergy between both parties, namely Udayana University and the ranks of the datun at the Bali High Prosecutor's Office.

As an educational institution that has existed for a long time, of course Udayana University's responsibilities are not only limited to educational issues, classroom learning and scientific research, but must also be able to act as an agent of positive change in the context of community service. Udayana University must make a real contribution to advancing social, economic and legal life in society.

Through an FGD with the theme "Eradicating Corruption Crimes", the Bali Prosecutor's Office emphasized the importance of recognizing the legal system in Indonesia, so that in the future all Udayana University academics do not violate the law. We want in the future, apart from having a mutually beneficial symbiotic cooperation at the start, in the future we will also provide material like this to each other, because the Bali High Prosecutor's Office also needs Unud's assistance in the context of developing and improving human resources.

Today, it is hoped that cooperation on Civil and State Administration will go further in the future, perhaps the Bali High Prosecutor's Office can become a speaker, become an examiner, and an independent campus teaching practitioner, which we will discuss in detail.

"Later we will also ask for experts from Unud academics, this is very important in the context of law enforcement. In the future, we will even talk about how at Unud there should be a Prosecutor's Study Center, so that there is take and give, the Prosecutor's Office provides assistance to Unud and safeguards assets. strategic assets at Unud and at the same time making a study of the prosecutor's institution in the future," said the Head of the Bali Prosecutor's Office.