Rector of Udayana University Attends Focus Group Discussion of the Council of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities

Rector of Udayana University (Unud), Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana M.T., Ph.D. IPU, attended the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) organized by the Council of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities (MRPTNI), at the Padang State University Auditorium, Padang (Saturday, 18/05/2024).

This FGD began with a report from the chairman of MRPTNI who is also the Rector of UNP, Prof. Ganefri, Ph.D. The FGD was attended by the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Amran Sulaiman, Governor of West Sumatra, H. Mahyeldi Ansharullah, S.P., Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Prof.Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, M.Sc., Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.H., Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the Corruption Eradication Committee, Pahala Nainggolan, Head of the Curriculum Standards and Educational Assessment Agency, Anindito Aditomo, Ph.D. PJ Wakikota Padang, 80 PTN Chancellors throughout Indonesia, as well as students from various universities in Padang.

In the report from the Chairman of MRPTNI, the Council of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities explained that MRPTNI has 146 PTN members, consisting of 76 academic colleges/universities, 44 State Polytechnics, and 24 State Islamic Universities or those under the Ministry of Religion.

Prof. Ganefri also said that this event was coupled with the launch of student farmer groups throughout Indonesia which were expected to contribute to the food security program promoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. In this event, three MoUs were also signed, namely with the Head of the Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park, and QMB. This was then continued with a national dialogue to foster a sense of nationalism in the academic community.

Director General of Diktistek, Prof. Abdul Haris, in his speech, appreciated and was proud of the success of MRPTNI in holding this activity as a national festival and at the same time a reflection on the disaster that befell West Sumatra.

The Director General of Diktiristek hopes that through the launch of this farmer group, students prepared by West Sumatra universities can be the start or kick of meeting which will be followed by more concrete activities in order to achieve food security.

Present as a speaker was the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Amran Sulaiman, who provided guidance regarding Indonesian Food Security. Followed by a presentation of material by the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Pahala Nainggolan regarding the implementation of the Corruption Eradication Commission's Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI).