Awardee IISMA 2023 Udayana University Participated as Liaison Officer in the 57th APEC SMEWG

On April 23-25 ​​2024, 10 Udayana University students who were IISMA 2023 Awardees participated as Liaison Officers (LO) in an international scale forum, namely the 57th Asia Pacific Economic Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Small Medium Enterprises Working Group (APEC SMEWG). This activity was organized by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) and is expected to become a forum for APEC countries to generate new ideas in the field of SME development and inter-country cooperation.

The contribution of Udayana University students to this activity was as LO who bridged communication between the committee (Kemenkop UKM) and the delegates. Each student is responsible for two to three delegation groups.

Paskalia Evans, one of the Udayana University students who became an LO,  explained that she had gained a lot of new experiences. "At this event, I held the Canadian delegation (which also happened to be the Chairman of the activity), and Vietnam. "I am tasked with ensuring that my delegations follow each series of events well, and accommodate additional needs such as bilateral meetings between Canada and Vietnam and other countries," he said.

"During this activity, I was able to expand my connections and strengthen my good relations with the delegates. In fact, on the last day, my delegates gave me souvenirs from their countries and invited me to take part in site visits with other delegates. It was truly an honor "For me, I represent Indonesia and Udayana University at this event," he added.