Targeting to Achieve A Again, Library of Udayana University Holds Library Accreditation Workshop

Udayana University Library (Unud) held a Library Accreditation Workshop at the Nusa Lembongan Room Bali Dynasty Resort Tuban, 2-3 May 2024. The workshop, which was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Unud, presented as resource persons the Director of Standardization and Accreditation of the National Library, Drs. Supriyanto, M.Sc. The activity was also attended by the Head of the Triatma Mulya University Library, the Head of the Bali State Polytechnic Library, the Head of the IPB International Library, the Head and Secretary of the Unud Library and staff.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unud Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in his speech said that Udayana University currently has 125 study programs and almost all of them are facilitated by collections and subscriptions in the Unud Library. We want to move to an international standard library and of course this is quite a heavy burden. Regarding accreditation with the 9 standard instruments, of course this has been prepared by librarians and the taskforce team to meet standards 1 to 9. Through this assistance, it is hoped that the resource person will be able to provide a lot of input regarding the material or standards in accreditation.

From the information obtained, the value of library accreditation becomes part of the accreditation assessment of faculties, study programs and institutions. The Vice Rector hopes that through this workshop we can understand our respective duties and functions and can make good form documents. Of course, during the assessment we can show what has been done and reported. Supporting facilities have been prepared by the Rector and let's show performance to move forward for the Udayana University Library.

Head of Unud Library Dr. Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari said that the accreditation workshop this time was an important activity to prepare for actual accreditation, because the previous accreditation was valid until October 2024.

"We at the Library UPT have been serious about fulfilling the requirements of the 9 standard Assessment Instruments in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia Number 303 of 2022 concerning Higher Education Accreditation Instruments," said the Head of the Library.

Components consisting of Collections, Facilities and Infrastructure, Services, Personnel, Organisation, Management, Innovation and Creativity, Level of reading hobby and Community Literacy Development Index. Even though there are many new components, Unud librarians have tried to fulfill them in order to achieve maximum value.

Meanwhile, the speaker, Director of Standardization and Accreditation of the National Library, Drs. Supriyanto, M.Sc. said that according to the Minister's direction, the National Library is expected to support literacy activities organized by the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology, including those related to library accreditation. In the Ministry of Education and Technology, vertically there are 277 libraries, of which there are 125 university libraries. Of these 277, only 75 have been accredited or only around 30 percent. He also appreciated the university leadership for supporting the Library so that assistance could be provided through this workshop activity.

The highest score for library accreditation is A with a score above 95. The National Library has aligned standards with the Director General of Higher Education where it was agreed that for superior higher education accreditation, at least three work units will be accredited A and the library can take one of the slots. And the second is for higher education excellence accreditation, at least the library must be accredited B.