Udayana University Business Incubator Holds Training and Competency Certification for Entrepreneurial Assistants and Facilitators

In supporting the growth and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, especially at Udayana University, competent and trained assistant staff are needed. The Udayana University (Unud) Business Incubator in collaboration with LSP MENPRINDO and SMART GENERATIO held Training and Certification activities for Competency of Entrepreneurial Facilitators and Facilitators which aims to increase the competency of entrepreneurial mentors and facilitators, ensure that the quality of services is carried out in a quality manner according to good standards, able to increase competitiveness for businesses that receive assistance from certified assistants and facilitators.

This training and certification will be held on Monday and Tuesday, 29 - 30 April 2024, located at Quest San Hotel, Denpasar. The lecturers who attended as participants in this activity were Dr. Drh. Urges Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi, M.Biomed, Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani, S.TP., M.Sc., DR. Dr. I.B.G. Fajar Manuaba, Sp.OG, MAR, Apni Tristia Umiarti, S.Pt., M.Si, Dr. Ni Luh Gede Astariyani, SH., MH, Ir. Made Widya Jayantari, S.T., M.T., I Gusti Ngurah Anom Cahyadi Putra, S.T., M.Cs. , I Made Dwi Budiana Penindra, ST., M.MT. , I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna, S.ST.Par., M.Par, and Anak Agung Ngurah Amrita, ST., MT.

This activity began with a welcome and opening by Prof. Ir. Nyoman Semadi Antara, MP., Ph.D as Head of the Udayana University PTNBH Team who also conveyed about the transformation of Udayana University from PTN BLU to PTN BH which will later be supported by the output results from the entrepreneurial companion training and certification program carried out.

After remarks from the Head of the Udayana University PTNBH Team, the activity continued with the presentation of entrepreneurship material including 10 units of entrepreneurial mentoring competency. On Tuesday, April 30 2024, all participants took a written competency test and were also observed by assessors.