Udayana University BEM Holds Opening of 2024 Assisted Village in Petak Kaja Village, Gianyar

Gianyar - Saturday (27/04/2024), the Udayana University Student Executive Board (BEM) Cabinet Escalation of Udayana Cita through the Village Empowerment Department held the Opening of the 2024 Udayana University BEM Assisted Village with the theme Synergize Hope, Create an Empowered Village. The opening of the Udayana University BEM Assisted Village marked the beginning of the Udayana University BEM service movement to the community.

I Putu Dimas Satya Prabentika as Head of the Village Empowerment Department said that the aim of holding the Opening of the 2024 Udayana University BEM Assisted Village is to inaugurate and introduce the village that will be used as a Udayana University BEM assisted village to the BEM community service sector or the Student Senate of the 13 Faculties in Udayana University will also be a forum for starting harmonious relationships with all Udayana University student organizations, external campus parties, and the community in creating work that is beneficial for Petak Kaja Village.

This year, Udayana University BEM chose Petak Kaja Village, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency as the Udayana University BEM Assistant Village in 2024. This event also invited village officials, village communities, representatives of the rectorate, as well as representatives of student organizations from the 13 faculties of Udayana University.

Chairman of the Udayana University BEM, I Wayan Tresna Suwardiana, in his speech said that the opening of the 2024 Assisted Village located in Petak Kaja Village, Gianyar, was the starting point for the Udayana University Student Executive Board to be able to realize the servant dharma of community service. This activity also aims to open as wide a space as possible for all student organizations to carry out community service. So that later this will provide benefits in various sectors in Petak Kaja village.

Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T., Ph.D as Vice Rector for Student Affairs representing the Udayana University rectorate also attended this event. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the village for accepting students to carry out activities in Petak Kaja Village and asked for help from the village head to guide students who carry out community service activities in the future. He also said that the purpose of this assisted village was to provide benefits to village residents through ideas or innovations based on the local wisdom of Petak Kaja Village.

In line with what was conveyed by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, the Head of Petak Kaja Village also expressed his gratitude for making Petak Kaja Village a place to carry out community service. He also hopes that the commitment to carry out this service will be maintained for the next year or so. which has been agreed.

This event was then continued with the planting of the kayon as a symbol of the inauguration of the Accompanied Village by the Village Head, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs, Chair of BEM, Coordinator for Community Affairs, Head of Department and Deputy Head of the Village Empowerment Department as well as Chief Executive of the 2024 Opening of the Accompanied Village. The planting of the kayon itself has the meaning of the start of a new life or a new breath of devotion in Petak Kaja Village.

The activity continued with a discussion with the village head regarding sectors that could be developed in this village which was then continued with activities touring the village which was one of the highlights of the 2024 Udayana University BEM Assisted Village Opening event. During the village tour, the committee held meetings and discussions at Puri Agung Pesanggaran. This village tour activity was also attended by representatives of the 13 faculties at Udayana University, with the hope that the faculties can identify problems and find solutions and innovations to create more massive and equitable service.