Udayana University Law Faculty Students Again Implement MBKM Bina Desa in Bona Gianyar Village

Students from the Faculty of Law, Udayana University (FH Unud) are again trying to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education Community Service through MBKM Bina Desa activities organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, then facilitated by the Faculty of Law, Udayana University. The activity began with a ceremonial reception of Bina Desa students by the village which took place in the village office hall, Bona Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency on Saturday, April 6 2024.

Bona Village is the area targeted for this year's village development activities because it has potential and diversity due to the presence of works of art in it, where the dedication step this time is a continuation stage of the legal and village development activities previously held by BEM FH Unud.

"In previous outreach activities, the public was introduced to the importance of enforcing IP (intellectual property). "The attention and positive response given by the community has ignited the fire for the current service which we are holding again in Bona Village while still making the Legal Science discipline the focus of the work program in its implementation," said Andika as Advocacy Coordinator.

The 2024 Bina Desa Bona Activity was opened by the Coordinator of the FH Unud Undergraduate Law Study Program, Dr. Gde Made Subha Karma Resen, S.H., M.Kn. and attended by the Head of Bona Village I Gusti Nyoman Gede Susila and his staff. In his remarks from the head of the activity, I Komang Krisna Suardi, said that the Bina Desa program aims to foster a sense of empathy, care, love and mutual cooperation among students towards the community. This can also be a place to actualize the theories and knowledge that have been gained on campus so that later together we can develop the village in a better direction, because the best people are those who benefit others.

The focus is on the urgency of forming a legal awareness group because Bona Village has very rich potential but it is still felt that there is minimal public awareness of the possibility of legal violations occurring. Through the advice of the Assistant Lecturer and Coordinator of the FH Unud Bachelor of Laws Study Program as well as the results of coordination with the Village Head, Bina Desa Bona launched a paralegal training work program in collaboration with the Cakra Eka Sudarsana Legal Aid Institute (LBH CES) with the direction and supervision of the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

The student acceptance ceremony was followed by a coordination meeting between LBH CES and village officials to provide outreach regarding the urgency of forming paralegals in village areas by LBH as an accredited legal entity and has the right to provide paralegal training as mandated by Permenkumham no. 3 of 2021.

This Bina Desa activity was once again welcomed by the village head and his staff, conveyed directly by the head of Bona Village that through this ceremonial opening, his party again welcomed the presence of students from the Faculty of Law, Udayana University to work together again and promote, develop and develop Bona Village. through Paralegal Training. "By returning to carry out service in Bona Village, it is hoped that we can strengthen the harmonization that has existed. Students as social controllers are now expected to be able to always spread the benefits of the results of education and research that have been carried out in the campus environment," he said.