150 Udayana University Students Participate in Bank Indonesia Scholarship Interview Selection, The Best 75 Will Be Selected

Denpasar - Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau held a Bank Indonesia Scholarship Interview Selection in the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday-Thursday, March 13 and 14, 2024. There were 150 undergraduate students from 13 Faculties within Unud who were registered to take part. interview where 75 people will be selected.

Chair of the Unud Scholarship Development Unit, Dewa Gede Pradnya Yustiawan, said that this selection activity was the second time it had been carried out offline after the pandemic. There are 150 participants but 75 participants will be selected where the selection process lasts for two days and each day there are 75 participants who are interviewed. The interviewers themselves come from Bank Indonesia and the 75 best from Udayana University will be selected as scholarship recipients and will then receive training from Bank Indonesia such as defending the country and so on. Previously, an initial selection had been carried out at the faculty level, namely administrative selection. The number of people who registered was more than 150 people, but 150 people could take part in the interview.

One of the students participating in the interview, I Nyoman Gede Berata Suteja from the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University said that he was very happy to be able to join this interview stage and had also made preparations by visiting the Bank Indonesia website and discussing with friends. If accepted as a scholarship recipient, he hopes to contribute to the nation's progress.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Unit at Bank Indonesia Bali, Imma Nurma Sari, said that this scholarship is one of Bank Indonesia's efforts to create a generation of Bank Indonesia and also shape the character of students for superior human resources. Bank Indonesia has Bank Indonesia social programs, one of which is to create superior human resources. So with this scholarship, Bank Indonesia will not only provide scholarships in the form of material but also students who are selected or pass the selection to receive scholarships from Bank Indonesia will also join the Bank Indonesia Generation community called GenBI. Perhaps there are many students at Unud who have received scholarships and have also joined the GenBI community.

The GenBI community also has lots of programs and each campus has its own GenBI program and of course at Unud there are also lots of GenBI programs. When receiving a scholarship from Bank Indonesia, of course there are other stages or work programs that can be contributed to supporting the achievements of the Bank Indonesia program and also the new generation of Indonesia. Of course, they will create programs that can contribute both to their campus and also Bank Indonesia.

The requirements for being a scholarship recipient must of course meet the criteria as stated in the guidelines from Bank Indonesia which have been submitted to the campus. One of them is achievement, with a minimum GPA of 3, and priority is given to underprivileged students. His party will carry out an administrative selection and be screened again through interviews. Those who can get this scholarship are for undergraduates who have completed 40 credits and have completed 3 semesters. Later, if you receive a scholarship from Bank Indonesia, you will also be evaluated and it can take a maximum of 4 semesters to get a scholarship.