Udayana University Faculty of Law Hosts the 2024 BKS Meeting of Deans of the Faculty of Law of PTN Eastern Indonesia Region

The Faculty of Law, Udayana University (Unud) hosted the Cooperation Board (BKS) meeting of the Deans of the Faculty of Law of State Universities (FH PTN) which is part of the Eastern Indonesia region on 1 - 3 March 2023 at the Prama Hotel, Sanur, Bali. The participants who attended the activities were a number of 18 universities including Trunojoyo University, Jember University, 19 November Kolaka University, UPN Veteran East Java, Pattimura University, Brawijaya University, Ganesha Education University, Surabaya State University, Mataram University, Airlangga University, Sam Ratulangi University, University of Halu Oleo, Hasanuddin Nusa Cendana University, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Tadulako University, Musamus University Merauke and Udayana University.

The BKS Opening Ceremony began with a report from the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University and as Chair of the BKS, Dean of the Faculty of Law, PTN Eastern Region, Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa, S.H., M.Hum., then continued with a video of the welcome video of the Chairman of BKS, Dean of Law Faculties of PTNs throughout Indonesia, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Airlangga University (Imam Prihandono, SH., MH., LL.M., Ph. .D), the event was then declared opened by the Chancellor of Udayana University represented by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes.

Also present were the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Coordinator of the Doctoral Study Program (S3) in Legal Sciences, Coordinator of the Undergraduate Study Program (S1) in Legal Sciences, Coordinator of the Research and Community Service Unit, and Coordinator of the Information Management Unit and Collaboration with the Unud Faculty of Law.

This meeting of the BKS Deans of the Faculty of Law of PTN discussed 2 important issues, namely the discussion on Increasing Cooperation in the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) and the Cooperation Agreement between members of the BKS Deans of the FH PTN Indonesia Eastern Region. The representatives present agreed to prepare and sign a Cooperation Agreement which will be used as an umbrella for cooperation in the fields of the Tridharma of Higher Education, the MBKM Program and internationalization.

The first implementation is the preparation of the MBKM Program Guide so that there is a common perception regarding MBKM, the types of courses that can be converted, the number of credits and the student exchange system between the PTN Law Faculties in the Eastern Indonesia Region and discussions on the establishment of an Independent Accreditation Institution (LAM) which aims to carry out Program Accreditation Study independently.

LAM can be formed by the government or society referring to groups or branches of knowledge, such as religious sciences, health sciences, social sciences and natural sciences, to accelerate and improve the quality of quality assurance in study programs in Indonesia. Hopefully in the future the BKS members, Deans of the Law Faculty of PTN Indonesian Region, will be more supportive.