Leaders of State Universities in the Eastern Region of Indonesia Sign a Joint Declaration of Intens with the University of Borneo Consortium

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana attended the meeting of the Eastern Indonesian State University Consortium (KPTN-KTI) with the Borneo University Consortium (KUUB) which was held on Saturday, March 2 2024 at the Unhas Hotel & Convention Hall, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. In this Consortium there are 3 universities from Brunei Darussalam, 8 universities from Malaysia and 42 universities from Indonesia and Udayana University is one of them.

State Universities (PTN) in the Eastern Region of Indonesia, which is called the KPTN-KTI Consortium, joined to build collaboration with Universities in the Borneo Region, called KUUB (Consortium of Borneo University Universities), which consists of 3 countries, namely Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, and Malaysia, led by Prof. Dr. Sahrul Razid Sarbini who is a lecturer from University Putra Malaysia, Sarawak. This consortium is aimed at ensuring that universities in the Eastern Indonesia region have the solidarity to join hands in developing the Tridharma of Higher Education, such as universities outside KTI. For this reason, PTN – KTI University and 11 foreign universities in the Borneo Region agreed on a Consortium by signing a JOINT DECLARATION OF INTENT at the Unhas Hotel & Convention Center, Makassar.

Chairman of PTN-KTI Prof. Dr. Ahmad Alim Bachri said that this activity was a forum for strengthening the collaboration network between universities in the eastern region of Indonesia which was expected to have an impact on improving the Tridharma of Higher Education. Not only PTN for Eastern Indonesia, this consortium also receives support from foreign universities in 3 regions of Borneo.

This consortium activity was also combined with an LPPM workshop, discussions related to joint efforts in strategic efforts to achieve quality research and IKU achievements. For this reason, this activity was also attended by the Chair of the LPPM so that they could encourage journals that have a Scopus index or international index. other. Statistics show that the Top Ten University Rank is dominated by universities outside KTI.