Udayana University Holds Socialization and Search for Ormawa Service and Entrepreneurship Talents

The Udayana University (Unud) Student Affairs Bureau held a Socialization and Talent Search in the context of the 2024 PPK Ormawa and P2MW Program at the Postgraduate Hall of the Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday, (30/1/24). This socialization was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana, and also attended by the Chair and Secretary of the Center for Creativity and Student Achievement, the Chair and Secretary of the Entrepreneurship Development Unit (UPK), the Chair and Secretary of the Character Development and Community Service Unit, the Student Welfare Coordinator, the Interest, Reasoning and Information Coordinator, and Students Udayana University Ormawa and UKM.

Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana said in his speech that Belmawa has facilitated student activities related to service which is integrated with PPK Ormawa and also entrepreneurship development. Belmawa hopes that this program will strengthen student organizations in Indonesia, therefore there will be various activities to improve soft skills, one of which is PPK Ormawa activities in the form of community service and also P2MW entrepreneurship development activities.

"Let students take advantage of the activities that have been provided and make them opportunities to practice and prepare themselves to interact with society after graduating and become part of the general public themselves," said Prof. Sudarsana.

This service activity designed through PPK Ormawa and also Entrepreneurship Development aims to increase student empathy and be able to see various problems faced by society and students as an academic community are able to provide new answers or innovations based on research knowledge that has been studied at the University itself.

Through this activity, it is also hoped that it can foster new enthusiasm and enthusiasm for students at Ormawa to propose good proposals, so that later more proposals can be selected and submitted to Belmawa. These proposals will either receive funding or not receive funding, and this activity will be combined with MBKM activities, so that students whose proposals have not received funding can be directed to independent activities, while proposal activities related to PPK Ormawa are directed to Village Development activities, while P2MW activities directed to WMK Mandiri, so that it can be recognized as an MBKM activity.

Through this massive outreach, it is hoped that more proposals will be obtained with better quality, so that in the future more proposals that can be submitted will receive funding. In 2023, Udayana University received seven funded proposals and of the seven, four have passed to the servant power, and we are grateful that several of the servant power criteria have already received achievements and medals.

Along with entrepreneurship development activities, it is also hoped that there will be more entrepreneurial proposals from students and their achievements will increase. Last year Udayana University won a group of gold medals and hopefully this year it can increase its achievements. Apart from being aimed at achieving achievements, this activity is also aimed at achieving MBKM activities, bearing in mind that there is still a need to improve the achievements of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU), especially KPI 2 at Udayana University.