Kemdikbudristek Holds Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) Higher Education and Educational Affirmation (ADik) Perstour at Udayana University

The Education Financing Service Center and the Public Relations Cooperation Bureau (BKHM) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, are holding the 2023 Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) Higher Education and Education Affirmation (ADik) Perstour in an effort to improve services to the community. Udayana University (Unud) is one of the places where the Perstour is held and has prepared students who will be resource persons in the activity in question.

This Perstour aims to socialize and publicize PIP Higher Education and ADik more widely. PIP Higher Education and ADik as one of the National Priority Programs continues to synergize with similar programs from provincial and district/city government funding sources.

The Perstour group led by Seno Hartono as Chair of the Working Group for Foreign Cooperation Services of the Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau was received by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Unud. I Ketut Sudarsana accompanied by the Head of BKM at the Nusa Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (15/11/2023). The media that also attended were Tempo, Jurnas, Medcom and Sindo News.

Seno Hartono on this occasion said that in 2023, visits to regions will be carried out to see good practices regarding policies that have been issued, one of which is related to scholarships provided by the government, in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture. Where there are KIP Lectures, Affirmations and also KIP scholarships to the Regional Government which are given to primary and secondary education. Apart from that, we will also meet beneficiary students to see whether there are any problems or not.

The good practices obtained will later be distributed to students in the regions, especially those who are economically challenged, so that they have positive thoughts that the state is here to provide scholarships but they also have to know how to access these scholarships. Therefore, his party invited fellow journalists to travel throughout Indonesia to see conditions in the field. Through this opportunity, a discussion forum will be opened between media colleagues and Udayana University regarding good practices for implementing the scholarship in question.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana on this occasion gave a general overview regarding the management of the scholarship at Udayana University. Through this opportunity the Vice Rector also expressed his appreciation to the Ministry for providing scholarship support to students studying at Udayana University. So that students who have good potential but have problems from an economic perspective can also receive higher education thanks to support from the government, both through KIP and others. The Vice Rector hopes that the consistency of this scholarship funding can be maintained because it is very helpful in human resource development efforts, especially for our children who have abilities but have economic problems.

In this Perstour, a journalist interview session was held with the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Unud and also the students who received benefits related to the KIP Kuliah and ADik scholarships.