Three Udayana University Ormawa PPK Teams Participate in Monev and Implementation of Ormawa PPK Towards Abdidaya

Denpasar - A team from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Education and Technology, conducted a visitation in the context of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Ormawa PPK towards Abdidaya in 2023. This activity was carried out in the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (14/11/2023). The Belmawa Reviewer Team who attended were Prof. Dr. Ir. Ilah Sailah, MS and Dhaniek Wardhani Ratnaningrum, SS will conduct a visit for two days, 14 - 15 November 2023. There are five Ormawa PPK teams taking part in this activity, three of which are from Udayana University (Unud) and two more from Warmadewa University.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech expressed the hope that this activity would run smoothly. He further stated that he was grateful that this year there were three teams from Udayana University who qualified for Abdidaya and this was the first time. Udayana University has actually learned from the problems and obstacles faced previously, and has now been able to produce three teams that have qualified for Abdidaya.

Based on the existing obstacles, a special unit has been prepared to handle character development and service to the student community, called UPKP under USCC. This activity, which has been in the field for quite a long time, is also associated with the Independent Campus Learning Program. Students who take part in the Ormawa strengthening program are recognized with 20 credits through coordination with the leadership at the Faculty. The University also has a commitment to provide matching funds and prepare accompanying and attached reviewers to review existing proposals.

The Vice Rector hopes that what results from this activity can be sustainable and don't forget that before carrying out activities to villages, his party also carries out a survey of whether the selected villages match the criteria and this is carried out by a team from the University.

"Hopefully, by qualifying these three teams and also teams from colleagues at Warmadewa University, hopefully they will also be able to bring medals to Udayana University," said the Vice Rector.

Team Reviewer Dhaniek Wardhani Ratnaningrum, SS Sub Coordinator of the Belmawa Student Organization, Ministry of Education and Research and Technology, on this occasion congratulated the Team for joining Abdidaya. There were 160 teams that passed out of 608 who took part in the Implementation Progress Assessment where the selection process was very strict because the proposals were good. Indeed, guidance is needed in making proposals and also selecting the right accompanying lecturer. It is hoped that there will be a system that fosters student organizations because this is the only program that directly touches student organizations and has a direct impact on society. Faculties that do not yet have representatives should be empowered and some will qualify.

Meanwhile Prof. Ilah Sailah said in PPK Ormawa, soft skills development is the impact of the activities that have been carried out. But actually what we want is the output, whether the student organization's capacity increases. Whether or not the Ormawa PPK Team passes is also determined by the Ormawa's seriousness. Ormawa has a project which is carried out by an implementing team, so Ormawa is responsible for whatever is carried out by this implementing team. Many student organizations do not qualify because they ignore their financial reports, log books and actually train student organizations in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as action. It is hoped that if there is something unique that is unique, it can be conveyed to the Reviewer Team during this visitation and hopefully it can be explored which is unique to each Team.

In this activity, direct visits were also carried out to the community at the Ormawa PPK locations in Gunaksa Klungkung and also in Songan Bangli.