Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Celebrates 40th BKKH and 26th Anniversary

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FKH Unud) held the highlight of the celebration of the 40th Veterinary Medicine Family Agency (BKKH) and the 26th Anniversary (HUT) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University in the courtyard of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Friday (10/11/23). This event was marked by the cutting of the tumpeng by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and was attended by the Chair of the Udayana University Senate, the Vice Rectors, the Deans, the Heads of Institutions, the Chair of the FKH Senate, the former FKH Deans, the FKH Vice Deans, the FKH lecturers and academic community, the Students and other invitees.

Chairman of the event committee, Drh. Luh Made Sudimartini, M.Sc in his report said that the theme of the BKKH activity this time was "Renjana Sahitya Sandyakala" which has the meaning of always being blessed to move better to the next stage with pleasant and comfortable solidarity/harmony. In welcoming the 40th BKKH and 26th FKH Anniversary, a series of activities have been carried out, namely, service to the community of veterinary masters regarding vaccination, KIE and HPR sterilization as an effort to eliminate rabies in Bali and community service to control dermatitis in street dogs in Gulingan Village as a buffer village Mengwi Ayun Gulingan Park tourist attraction. Apart from that, community service activities and downstreaming of research results in Batukandik Village, Nusa Penida, Public Lectures, and Visiting Professors with resource person Prof. Maria Pilan Vinardell from the University de Barcelona Spain, as well as national seminars.

Meanwhile, the Dean of FKH Unud Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si in his speech said, FKH Udayana University was actually formed in 1962 together with the Faculty of Agriculture which was originally called FKHP, but FKH was still in its embryonic period and only hatched in 1979, with the birth of PSKH, a study program which directly under the Chancellor, with the efforts of seniors, cooperation from the community and support from the FKH Association throughout Indonesia, PSKH was approved to become a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1997, with the first Dean, Prof. Dr. N. Sadra Dharmawan, M.S., which was then continued by Prof. AA. Mirah Adi, Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Made Damriyasa, M. Kes, Dr. Nyoman Adi Suratma, MP, Prof. Dr. I Nengah Kerta Besung, M.Kes and Next was assigned to me.

Currently FKH is managed by 70 lecturers and 24 administrative staff and 11 education staff, with 641 undergraduate students, 223 professional students, and 38 postgraduate students. The lecturer : undergraduate student ratio is 1 : 12.3, which is very likely to be increased further. The burden in providing education is very heavy because 70% of the courses have practicums, so it requires as many as 21 laboratories. Of the existing lecturers, 18 (25.71%) are professors, 27 (38.57%) are associate professors, 24 (34.28%) are lecturers, 3 (4.28%) are expert assistants, from lectors and associate professors 30 one person has a doctoral degree, and 1 is currently in a doctoral program. We manage 4 study programs, namely Bachelor's, Professional and Master's degrees, with A accreditation for Bachelor's and Professional study programs (which will be reaccredited in 2024) and have been AUN QA certified, and Superior for Master's. The doctoral study program has had its operational permit issued as of October 25 2023. This is a challenge to continue to maintain its existence. All of this is thanks to the enthusiasm of the community, collaboration with stakeholders, and full support from the Rector and other leaders.

We continue to hope for support from the Rectorate in terms of funds and infrastructure. The challenge and demand for future development and accreditation is the existence of a standardized Teaching Veterinary Hospital (RSHP). In the future, the requirement for graduates in the Veterinary Profession must pass the same national competency exam as colleagues in Medicine and Dentistry. There is great hope that Unud will soon have and receive funds so that the Animal Hospital can be built soon. FKH Unud also moves in synergy with the Rectorate to fulfill the IKU targets as agreed and almost all of them have been fulfilled, and some are still not fulfilled. Future plans are to improve and maintain the quality of FKH, towards superior accreditation for undergraduate and professional study programs as well as towards international accreditation, increasing international and national cooperation.

In the future, it is also planned to increase the student body at FKH, because the opportunity to meet the need for veterinarians is still very high, namely that 90,000 veterinarians are needed throughout Indonesia, which currently can only be met by 9,000 veterinarians per year from the 11 FKHs in Indonesia, and of course this is the case. This must be supported by improving learning facilities and infrastructure.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. In his speech, I Gede Rai Maya Temaja expressed his congratulations on the implementation of the 40th Veterinary Family Association and the 26th Anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University. On this occasion, it was also conveyed regarding the origins of the establishment of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine until now. The Vice Rector also said that there is a new study program that was established this year at FKH Unud, namely the Doctoral Degree in Veterinary Science, where new student admissions will be prepared in the even semester of 2023/2024. It is hoped that all leaders, lecturers and staff at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will work together and facilitate those of you who are interested in continuing in a doctoral degree, especially in a doctoral degree in Veterinary Science.

It is hoped that this can run well like other study programs at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine which have achieved A, Superior accreditation and are AUN-QA certified. Apart from that, the rector will try to complete the construction of lecture rooms in the lecture building so that future students can study better in these classes. "We will do it in stages, therefore we are doing it slowly to complete the facilities and infrastructure to improve the quality of learning and to produce superior, quality human resources at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine," said the Vice Rector.