Udayana University Receives UPN "Veteran" Comparative Study Visit to Discuss Main Performance Indicators and MBKM-MSIB

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) received a visit in the context of a Comparative Study of the Independent Campus Learning Team (MBKM) of the Yogyakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPN). The UPN "Veteran" group led by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Suharsono, MT was received by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University and also present were the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Vice Deans or representatives from the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty Social Sciences and Political Sciences, MBKM Unit and related unit coordinators are located in the Nusa Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (11/10/2023).

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech expressed his welcome to the Team from UPN "Veteran". Regarding this goal, it is hoped that discussions can be held with the teams present to exchange information and good practices carried out by each institution to improve the performance of each university. On this occasion the Vice Rector also introduced a glimpse of Udayana University which is in the form of BLU and heading towards PTNBH.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at UPN "Veteran" Dr. Suharsono gave a glimpse of the establishment of UPN "Veteran" which currently has five faculties with 33 study programs and does not yet have a postgraduate school, because the existing master's level is still linear and does not yet have a multidisciplinary one. "Related to the Ministry's policy, namely the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU), as well as Merdeka Belajar Campus Merdeka - Internship and Certified Independent Study (MBKM-MSIB), at the beginning the program was carried out quite hard, but other universities ran fast and at UPN" Veteran" the addition is not significant, so through this comparative study visit it is hoped that we will get an overview and input from Udayana University so that it can later be put into practice at UPN Veteran.

During this visit, Representative of the MBKM Unud Unit, Dr. Ni Ketut Arismayanti explained about MBKM management at Udayana University, which was followed by discussion and sharing of experiences of each institution in managing MBKM.