Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance for SAKTI Operators and Socialization of Asset Management Towards PTN-BH

Udayana University (Unud) through the BMN General Bureau held Technical Guidance for SAKTI Operators and Socialization on Asset Management towards PTNBH at the Balangan Room of the Grand Inna Hotel Kuta, Thursday to Saturday (21-23 September 2023). The Technical Guidance which was opened by the Head of the Unud General Bureau presented resource persons from the Directorate General of Diktristek, Ministry of Finance and DJKN. The participants in this activity were operators, PPK, BMN staff, financial staff, treasurers, coordinators and related unit staff, as well as participants from ISI Denpasar and Undiksha.

SAKTI (Agency Level Financial Application System) is an application used as a means for Satker to support the implementation of SPAN to carry out financial management which includes planning stages to budget accountability.

Head of the Unud General Bureau, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, SE., MM, in his speech said that SAKTI socialization is routinely carried out every year which is expected to be able to resolve all existing problems well, where through Bimtek, perceptions are equalized. In the supervisory board meeting there were things that were not yet synchronized between SAKTI and the financial reports, so through this activity it is hoped that they can be synchronized. The Head of the General Bureau hopes that the participants present will be able to actively ask the resource persons about the problems they are experiencing so that there are optimal results. After this activity, the resource person is also expected to be able to provide guidance if there is something that is not understood.

Sources for technical guidance for SAKTI operators and socialization of asset management towards PTNBH include the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, namely Angga Kusuma and Indra Gunawan (Setditjen Diktiristek).

Meanwhile, the resource persons for the second day of Technical Guidance and Socialization were from the Directorate General of State Assets, Bali and Nusa Tenggara Regional Offices, Desak Putu Jeny and from the Directorate of State Assets Policy Formulation, Muh. Ahsin Adib.