The Clinical Pathology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University was Visited by LAM-PTKes Assessors

The LAM-PTKes Assessor Team visited the Clinical Pathology Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) in the context of an accreditation field assessment. The opening ceremony for the assessment was attended by the Rector of Unud, Chair of LP3M, Representatives of LPPM, USDI, Libraries, The Vice Deans, Senate, Study Program Coordinators, Lecturers, Students, Alumni, Network Hospitals and other invitees took place in the Dr. Meeting Room. A.A Made Djelantik FK Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Thursday (21/9/2023). The assessors present were Prof. Dr. Budi Mulyono, Sp.PK(K), MM and Dr. Dr. Agnes Rengga Indrati, Sp.PK(K), M.Kes.

In this case, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine was represented by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. Dr. I Gede Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K) in his speech said that preparations had been made for this field visit. The Faculty of Medicine currently has 34 study programs and it is grateful that around 50 percent or 17 study programs have been accredited as Superior and hopes that study programs that are still accredited B and A will also be superior, including the Clinical Pathology Study Program. Hopefully after this assessment process and accreditation verification the study program can be raised to a superior level.

The team has worked hard and tried their best starting with regular SPMI, where SPMI at the university level is carried out by LP3M, then at the faculty by UP3M and in the Study Program by the Study Program Quality Assurance Implementation Team. Apart from that, AMI has also been carried out involving auditors from across faculties. He hopes that the portrait of SPMI will be the same as that of SPME and that the Study Program will achieve maximum accreditation, namely excellence. Of course, in the future we will launch international accreditation for study programs that have been accredited as superior, namely ACIIN. "We all hope to achieve excellence," said the Vice Dean.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. In his speech and opening the assessment, I Nyoman Gde Antara expressed his gratitude for the presence of assessors at FK Unud. With the arrival of the Assessor, you will get things that need to be followed up in the future and can provide results in line with expectations. On this occasion, the Rector gave a glimpse of Udayana University, which turns 61 years old this September, along with information on faculties, study programs, student body, accreditation and supporting infrastructure. Currently, almost 95 percent of study programs at Unud have been accredited Excellent, A and Very Good; Meanwhile, the university's accreditation is already superior and is currently preparing to go to PTNBH. For study programs, around 28 percent of study programs are in the Faculty of Medicine and they are grateful to be able to provide extraordinary achievements regarding accreditation.

It also provides opportunities for the Faculty of Medicine to develop itself, either through opening new study programs or increasing the level from SP1 to SP2. The challenge is the provision of human resources and infrastructure that will be monitored. Then regarding accreditation for study programs that are still B, they must be targeted to achieve excellence and the next stage is to develop themselves to international accreditation.

Meanwhile, the assessors represented by Prof. Budi Mulyono said that, as is known, LAM-PTKes is an effort to improve education so that it can be on par with what exists on a national scale with other universities. We must also be optimistic that this specialist study program in Indonesia will bring health services that are on par with international ones. The hope is that improving the quality of professional education in medicine will bring us excellence and acceptance at the international level.