Showing Existence and Consistency Supporting Udayana University Inventor Products, LPPM Exhibition Booth at InaRI Expo BRIN Attracts Visitors' Attention

The Institute for Research and Community Service at Udayana University (LPPM Unud) took part and participated in enlivening the activities of the Indonesia Research & Innovation Expo 2023 (InaRI Expo 2023) and the Indonesia Electric Motor Show 2023 which were held on 19-22 September 2023 at the ICC BRIN KST Soekarno Building (Cibinong Science Center).

InaRI Expo 2023 carries the theme "Research and Innovation for a Better Future", which is a stage for researchers, innovators and industry to present new products and ideas to the public, stakeholders and industry which is also a form of appreciation for innovators with ideas. new and brilliant. This activity was attended and opened directly by the Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Laksana Tri Handoko and attended by more than 60 experts, practitioners, stakeholders, influencers from within and outside the country and more than 200 exhibitors who were companies from various fields, including energy, maritime, digital, health, food, environment, electric vehicles and education.

Unud, which in this case is represented by the LPPM Team, is actively taking a role in this activity supported by BRIN. The Unud LPPM team consisting of the Chair of the Unud LPPM, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Sc., LPPM Secretary Prof. Ir. Ni Made Ary Esta Dewi Wirastuti, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., and her team participated in enlivening the exhibition by introducing 51 innovative products resulting from downstream research by the Unud academic community from various categories ranging from health products, beauty, information technology to food based on local food ingredients. Of course, apart from these innovative products, there are still many other products owned by Udayana University. Visitors were very enthusiastic to find out about Unud's flagship products, including those from the Directorate General of Diktiristek and BRIN.

Chairman of LPPM Unud, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Sc. said that the aim of participating in this activity was to introduce innovative products from Udayana University resulting from downstream research through the Unud PNBP Fund to all Indonesian society.

"Don't be like a frog in a shell, only great individually, lots of innovative work but not shown off, through this activity we have to show off that the innovative products resulting from downstream research from Unud's academic community are the strength of Unud which is worthy of being showcased to the wider community," he said.