Udayana University is the Embryo of the First Student Regiment in Bali

The Chancellor of Udayana University (Unud) together with the Bali Ugracena Menwa Corps and elements of the National Gugus (GK) of Bali Province held a National Defense Declaration event to commemorate the 78th Anniversary of the Peak of the Secret Meeting of the Underground Movement of the Republic of Indonesia's War of Independence in Bali on August 16 1945, as well as commemorating the Anniversary The 59th year of Menwa Ugracena falls on September 29 2023. This activity was held in the Dalung-Sempidi Badung Struggle Monument (MPB) area, Tuesday (19/9/23).

In this event, the Declaration was also signed which was symbolized on a 59 meter long cloth by the Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU; Chairman of Bangsal Struggle Monument, Dr. Bagus Ngurah Putu Arhana, Sp.A (K); Chairman of the Indonesian Menwa Corps Bali Province Bagus Ngurah Rai, SH.,MBA.,MM; Chairman of the National Movement for the Civilization of Pancasila, Bali Province, Dr. I Made Gede Putra Wijaya, S.H., M.Si; Commander of the Ugracena State Defense Corps Drs. Made Darma Putra, M.T; IKA Menwa Seroja East Timor Regional Coordinator Dra. Urged Ketut Kusumawati; Kasmen of the Ugracena Menwa Corps Mumtazah Mardliyah, S.Ked; Chairman of the Menwa Ugracena St. Monument Heldy Ardiansyah.

The Danger of the State Defense Declaration Task Force, Mumtazah Mardliyah, in its report said that collaboration with the Bali Province Nationality Group had produced as many as 10,000 state defense cadres from kindergarten to high school/vocational school level through joint self-help. The forerunner to the formation of the Bali Province National Cluster in 2015 consisted of elements from the Indonesian Menwa Corps of Bali Province, Bangsal Struggle Monument, DHD Force 45 of Bali Province and the National Movement for the Civilization of Pancasila (GNPP) of Bali Province. To date, more than 30 organizations have joined the Bali Province National Cluster.

In the past 8 years, the Bali Ugraçenana Menwa Corps has collaborated with the Bali Province National Gugus, always collaborating in various activities in the fields of education and training, social activities, community service, entrepreneurship, journalism, and others. This declaration is also intended as a form of strengthening and affirmation of state defense cadres.

The General Chair of Bangsal Bagus Struggle Monument Management, Ngurah Putu Arhana, expressed his thanks to the Chancellor of Udayana University for being very caring and providing support in activities in the MPB area and outside MPB. He hopes that PPBN activities can continue to run consistently and sustainably and that synergy must be maintained. "We at MPB in this case always support all organizations that come here to carry out activities related to the national spirit," he said.

Meanwhile Prof. Antara in his speech expressed his gratitude and that it was an honor to visit this historical place. The Bangsal Struggle Monument area is the Headquarters of the Secret Underground Struggle of the Indonesian War of Independence in Bali. The Menwa Ugracena Monument, which is the only Menwa Monument in Indonesia, was inaugurated by the Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD as a milestone in the history of Menwa Ugracena's half century of service to the nation.

As the Rector of Udayana University, I appreciate the National Defense Preliminary Education activities carried out by the Bali Ugracena Menwa Corps which is fully supported by the Bali Province National Group. Based on history, the Student Regiment organization in Bali was founded at the Faculty of Letters, Unud in 1964. Of course, it is an honor and pride for Unud to become the first embryo of the Student Regiment in Bali, which was then followed by the establishment of Student Regiments in various universities in Bali. .

It should be noted that Preliminary National Defense Education Activities began in 2015 from kindergarten level in collaboration with Korem 163/Wirasatya and RRI Singaraja. At that time, the person serving as Danrem was Infantry Colonel Nyoman Cantiasa, who now serves as Coordinator of the KASAD Expert Staff. This PPBN has received appreciation from the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia through the Director General of Ideology, Character and National Insight Development in 2019 and has made Bali a model. Not only that, this activity has also received appreciation from the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia in August 2023.

Previously, a Declaration regarding National Defense was also made by the Main Director of the Republic of Indonesia Radio Public Broadcasting Institution (LPP RRI) with other leadership elements. This was then realized through MoUs with various agencies that have special attention, especially in terms of defending the country and National Insight. I represent Udayana University and am ready to support activities with a national nuance like this.

Menwa Ugracena also succeeded in publishing the First Edition of the Book Assembling the Traces of Menwa Ugracena's Journey which has reached the hands of the Army Chief of Staff, General TNI Dr. Dudung Abdurachman and other leaders; succeeded in establishing the Ugracena Building Foundation and the Castrena Sedana Nusantara Consumer Cooperative Unit for the welfare of its members.