The 2nd Yamaguchi University Indonesia Alumni International Symposium was held at Udayana University

The 2nd Yamaguchi University Indonesia Alumni International Symposium took place in the Hall of the Postgraduate Building at Udayana University (Unud) Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Friday (15/9/2023). This International Symposium takes the theme Diversity and Harmony: Introducing Academic & Students' Life at Yamaguchi University.

Present at this symposium were the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Unud, the Consul General of Japan in Denpasar, the President of Yamaguchi University and staff, Plt. Unud Postgraduate Director, Yamaguchi University Alumni, as well as student representatives from each faculty within Unud.

Vice Rector Prof. In his speech, I Gede Rai Maya Temaja said that before the Covid-19 pandemic, collaboration between Udayana University and Yamaguchi University carried out student exchange programs, research collaborations, Double Degree programs and other academic programs. However, due to travel restrictions due to the pandemic, students from Yamaguchi University cannot enter Bali to study at Udayana University and vice versa.

"As we enter a new era, we want to restructure our international program with Yamaguchi University in order to obtain international education and strengthen international relations. Through this international symposium Udayana University intends to promote friendly international relations through strengthening education, culture, human resources, and social cooperation with Yamaguchi University," said the Vice Rector.

By introducing academic and student life, especially at Yamaguchi University, he hopes to inspire Unud students to work hard in their studies so they can go abroad to continue their education. By sharing the experiences of Yamaguchi University alumni in this symposium, it is hoped that it will be useful to increase important knowledge about life abroad, especially at Yamaguchi University.

President of Yamaguchi University Prof. Yukio Tanizawa on this occasion introduced a glimpse of Yamaguchi University and research developments at the University, one of which is a consortium of higher education institutions. His party opens up opportunities for collaboration, especially in the fields of education, research and community service.

Meanwhile, the Japanese Consul General in Denpasar, Mrs. KATSUMATA Harumi said that Udayana University is the most prestigious university in Bali, which is rich in culture and heritage. Likewise, Yamaguchi University was also founded with a long tradition of innovative and internationally oriented higher education. Interaction between people from different cultures will bring positive changes to individuals and organizations.

"I am very grateful to Udayana University and Yamaguchi University for the close partnership and encouragement of cultural and academic challenges between the two," said the Consul General.

In this symposium there were also presentations related to student activities from Indonesia at Yamaguchi University, introduction to the Postgraduate program, relations between local communities and international students, how to adapt to language and culture, introduction to YUICO Yamaguchi office activities, presentations from alumni and discussions.