Udayana University in Collaboration with BPKP Bali Province Launches MBKM Certified Internship Program

Udayana University (Unud) has embarked on a learning transformation journey to prepare and equip its graduates as a generation that is superior, independent and ready to face the challenges of the times, while still upholding local culture. As a constructive step towards this goal, Udayana University in collaboration with Representatives of the Bali Province Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) launched the Independent Campus Learning Certified Internship Program, which was launched on Thursday (14/09/2023), at the Renon BPKP Representative Office Denpasar.

This event was attended by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Bali Province BPKP representatives and staff, MBKM Unud personnel, field assistant lecturers from the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and students participating in internships. This certified internship program involves 20 students from various faculties, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., in his speech, expressed his thanks to the BPKP Team for the cooperation they have provided in supporting the independent campus learning program. He also emphasized that the Merdeka Campus Certified Internship Program is Udayana University's first initiative in running an internship program independently. Previously, a similar program had been run by the Ministry of Education and Culture. He believes that this program will give students a golden opportunity to hone their skills, knowledge and attitudes in the world of industry and organizations by being directly involved in various real projects.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPKP Bali Representative, Muhammad Marsykur, is very enthusiastic about welcoming this internship program which is in line with the spirit of BPKP, namely "being present and useful." He hopes that this internship program will provide valuable knowledge transfer to students regarding business processes at BPKP Bali Province, which will become valuable capital for their future. Students will later be actively involved in various BPKP activities and will be given the opportunity to be involved in important projects.

Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si. as the coordinator of the Merdeka Unud Campus Certified Internship Program also said that this program will provide a learning experience outside of college for 16 to 24 weeks with a total of 560 to 840 hours of structured training, which will be recognized as 20 credits in one semester. Implementation of this program will follow the plan prepared by the BPKP Team, both face-to-face and online.

Furthermore, Agustinus Heri Setiawan, IPP BPKP Bali Supervision Coordinator, revealed that the intern participants would be divided into four groups to work on website-based projects, such as supervision, performance, training and general services. It is hoped that these projects will produce significant benefits for interns and BPKP Bali Province.

With this new spirit, Udayana University and BPKP Bali Province are uniting to help students prepare themselves to become a superior generation who are ready to face a future full of challenges. The Merdeka Campus Certified Internship Program is Udayana University's first initiative in running an internship program independently.