Rector of Udayana University Welcomes 186 PMM Program Students Batch 3 from 99 Universities in Indonesia

The Chancellor of Udayana University (Unud) received the arrival of participants of the 2023 Batch 3 (Inbound) Free Student Exchange (PMM) program at the Nusantara Room, Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (4/9/2023). Also present at the welcoming ceremony were the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Faculty leaders, Bureau Heads, USDI, Sending Higher Education Coordinators, Head of the Unud PPKS Task Force, Head of the Unud MBKM Unit, Nusantara Module Lecturers and other invitees both online and offline. The 2023 PMM program takes the theme "Temporary Exchange, Meaningful Forever". PMM is a student mobility program with funding from LPDP for one semester to gain experience studying at universities in Indonesia while at the same time experiencing directly strengthening unity in diversity.

Head of the Unud MBKM Unit Dr. I Ketut Sardiana said that in 2023 Unud will be one of the receiving and sending universities. The number of inbound students at Unud reached 186 people from 99 universities throughout Indonesia. Apart from the arrival of participants, Unud also sent 79 participants to 34 universities throughout Indonesia. PMM 3 participants attend lectures at Unud from September 1 to the end of December 2023 and while at Unud will be guided by 8 Nusantara Module Lecturers and accompanied by 8 Lisson Officers from students and a PPKS PIC. PMM students take 20 SKD in 1 semester, with details of 16 credits for lectures in regular classes and 4 credits for lectures in the Indonesian module. Unud provides 132 typical Unud courses that can be chosen by PMM3 students.

"This year the number of applicants at Unud reached 4,616 people from 270 tertiary institutions and only 186 passed from 99 tertiary institutions after following a very strict selection process," said the Head of the MBKM Unit.

He hopes that the PMM participants can make the best use of this opportunity and take part in the activities properly until they are finished according to the provisions stipulated in the PMM3 guidelines.

The Head of the PMM and Teaching Campus Program 2023 Asri Aldila Putri, S.Sos., M.Si, who joined online, congratulated the PMM 3 Inbound students at Udayana University. He advised PMM 3 students to always respect the customs that apply at their current residence and always maintain the good name of Udayana University and the university of origin as well as maintain health and be responsible for their own safety. If something goes wrong, please report it immediately to the Archipelago Module lecturer and Higher Education coordinator and the PMM Team, who are always open to discussion. They have entrusted students from all over the archipelago to study at Unud to the management of PPM Unud and hopefully students will gain many things from participating in PMM class 3.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks introduced a glimpse of the profile of Udayana University to PMM Inbound students. The Rector hopes that PMM 3 participants at Unud can bring the experience of one semester at Unud and tell the goodness and diversity that exists to all corners and become Unud ambassadors. So that they can understand each other based on the unique stories that happened and strengthen relationships and foster the spirit of defending the country. He welcomed this extraordinary PMM program because there would be mutual communication between universities and awareness of existing diversity.

Through this opportunity, the Rector also expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Culture for initiating this PMM program and also for the opportunity for Unud to be a recipient university, as well as the related units as implementers of this PMM 3 program.