Udayana University Faculty of Agriculture Holds National Seminar and Workshop on Strengthening Ornamental Plant Cultivation and Business

Denpasar - The Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University (Unud) held a National Seminar and Workshop on Strengthening Ornamental Plant Cultivation and Business which took place in the Hall of the Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (22/8/2023). The activity, which was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, presented four speakers who had experience and expertise in their fields, namely Ni Wayan Srilaba from the DPD Indonesian Orchid Association (PAI) for the Bali region/Orcid Ambassador, then Muhammad Bima Atmaja, M.Sc. from the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN), Prof. Ir. I Gusti Agung Ayu Ambarawati, M.Ec., Ph.D (Academician and Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University), and I Gusti Agung Ngurah Fajarhari Raharja, S.Pt. from Bali Adenium Dewata. This activity is also one of a series of welcoming the 56th Anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture and the 45th Family Organization, as well as the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University.

The chairman of the committee, I Made Agus Dharmadiatmika, SP., MT, in his report revealed that the background to choosing a theme related to ornamental plants is a commodity that has commercial value because the presence of ornamental plants in the yard and indoors can enhance aesthetics and increase prestige. Another thing is to see the prospects for floriculture agribusiness which are still good in the domestic and foreign markets. Indonesia has enormous potential in developing ornamental plant agribusiness because it has physical potential with a large area, tropical agro-climate and sub-tropical agro-climate similar to the highlands with a large diversity of floricultural resources.

The purpose of these seminars and workshops is for participants to obtain information and knowledge about strengthening the ornamental plant business, Nature Conservation as a Business Investment, Optimizing Market Potential through Orchid Conservation, ornamental plant cultivation techniques especially orchids and adenium, disease treatment and control, as well as business production and marketing. decorative plants. Participants registered a total of 143 people from various backgrounds, namely: DLHK City of Denpasar, Bali Province Agriculture and Food Security Service, Warmadewa University, Mahasaraswati University, National Agency for Research and Innovation, Udayana University, Bali Adenium Dewata Association, Leaf Fort, Students and Alumni.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. I Nyoman Gede Ustriyana in his remarks conveyed that as we all know, ornamental plant agribusiness is a business that cannot be underestimated, this business is developing quite rapidly accompanied by economic development in post-covid 19. Ornamental plants do not only play a role in the development of the agricultural sector but play a also in the agro-tourism sector. The development of agro-tourism that utilizes agricultural businesses as tourism objects makes the ornamental plant business have promising prospects for development.

As the name implies, ornamental plants certainly have morphological characteristics that have aesthetic value, both ornamental plants of leaves, stems, flowers, roots and fruit. Ornamental flower plants include orchids, roses, anthurium, adenium, chrysanthemum etc. Beautiful leafy ornamental plants include agloenema, red shoots, croton and so on. Ornamental plants are one of the commodities that have high economic value and have bright prospects as superior commodities for export and domestic marketing.

From the point of view of the ornamental plant business, knowledge of marketing techniques is needed, including selling skills so that it attracts the attention of consumers and completeness of the product. This is the main attraction to attract consumers.

"Given the background and benefits, therefore by holding national seminars and workshops, we hope that this can be used as a vehicle for academics, practitioners and hobbyists to exchange ideas in an effort to strengthen the cultivation and business of ornamental plants in the future," he said.