Diktiristek Holds Public Relations Coordination Meeting to Increase PTN and LLDikti Synergy

Public Relations of Udayana University attended the Coordination Meeting of Public Relations of State Universities (PTN) and Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDikti). This activity was held on Wednesday (4/8/2023) in the Auditorium Room, 2nd floor, Building D, Kemendikbudristek Complex, Central Jakarta. A total of 76 PTN leaders and 16 LLDikti leaders from all over Indonesia also attended as participants.

Director General of Diktiristek, Prof. Nizam explained, it is important for public relations personnel to have the ability to arrange news frames and angles in order to avoid disinformation in the current post truth era. Therefore, public relations plays an important role for institutions to build optimism in society.

“Policies that have been running well, tell the media. Achievements are also shown through reporting from a humanist angle," said Prof. Nizam.

Plt. Secretary of the Directorate General, Prof. Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie also conveyed the same thing. He explained, this activity aims to increase the knowledge and competency skills of public relations personnel in carrying out their duties. He hopes that in the future public relations personnel can continue to contribute to advancing higher education in Indonesia.

“Public Relations plays a very important role and is at the forefront of public communication. For this reason, it needs to be accompanied by capacity building because the world of public relations continues to grow," said Prof. Tjitjik.

A total of 5 speakers filled out materials discussing public relations, namely Communication Associate Expert at the Office of the President's Staff Prita Laura; Chairman of the Association of Indonesian PR Companies (APPRI) and Managing Director Imogen PR Jojo S. Nugroho. Then, General Chairperson of Iprahumas Indonesia Thorig Ramadani; Deputy General Secretary 2 of Public Relations Emmy Kuswandari; and Head of Engagement and Community SAC Indonesia Riska Noer Zaitun.

The activity was also filled with the Socialization of the 2023 Diktiristek Public Relations Award which is an annual agenda to give appreciation to public relations institutions within the Diktiristek environment. The categories being contested are page management, press releases, social media, agency magazines, the most popular public relations personnel, and integrated service units (ULT). The competition will take place from August to November 2023.