Encourage PTNs to Become Informative Public Bodies, Kemendikbudristek Holds Consolidated Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Information Disclosure

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) held Consolidated Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Disclosure (Monev) at Sebelas Maret University, Thursday (27/07/2023). On this occasion, the PPID of Udayana University, represented by the Coordinator of Cooperation and Public Relations of Udayana University, Dra. Hamidiah Yunus and her team also attended this consolidation activity.

This activity was carried out with the aim of encouraging State Universities (PTN) within the Ministry of Education and Culture to achieve qualifications as Informative Public Bodies in the 2023 Public Information Openness Monev. This consolidation presented three speakers namely Rospita Vici Paulyn as Commissioner of the Central Information Commission, Prof. Irwan Trinugroho, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D as Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation, Business and Information at Sebelas Maret University, and Annie Londa as Central Information Commission Expert.

Acting Head of Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture Anang Ristanto, S.E., M.A. in his remarks said that as mandated by the law on public information disclosure number 14 of 2008 the Ministry of Education and Culture is committed to providing services and documenting public information by keeping abreast of developments in information and communication technology, especially in the fields of education, culture, research and technology which are in line with the current independent learning policy. This. Public information services are also part of bureaucratic reform at the Ministry of Education and Culture where positive efforts must of course be continued by always anticipating the dynamics of demands and challenges from the growing need for public information services.

This Consolidated Activity for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Information Disclosure is also a joint effort in providing excellent public information services for the people of Indonesia and in particular must also be able to achieve the title of being an Informative public body this year. Based on the results of an assessment from the Central Information Commission, in 2022 the Ministry of Education and Culture will also receive the title of an Informative Public Agency. In addition, it was also determined that 23 Academic PTNs obtained the qualifications of Informative Public Bodies, 11 Public Bodies Towards Informative, 3 Public Bodies Quite Informative, 8 Public Bodies Less Informative, and 30 Public Bodies Not Informative.

"Of course we hope that this year we will at least become a Public Agency that is Towards Informative for those who last year were a Public Agency that was Not Informative, as well as a Public Agency that is Less Informative this year's hope to become an Informative Public Agency," said Anang Ristanto.