Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University Holds 1st Bali International Conference on Social and Political Sciences

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Udayana University (Unud) held The 1st Bali International Conference on Social and Political Sciences "The Future of Social and Political Sciences in a Networked Society for Sustainability", Monday (10/7/2023). This activity presented four speakers namely Dr. Ni Made Ras Amanda Gelgel, Dr. Thor Kerr, Owen Podger. M.Arch and I Ketut Putra Erawan.

Dean of FISIP Unud Dr. I Nengah Punia in his remarks said that at this conference we will witness a meeting of academics, practitioners and stakeholders from various parts of the world to share experiences, insights and knowledge in the context of carrying out the role of social science and political science to achieve sustainable development. This conference is a very important momentum to embrace scientists in a multi-disciplinary perspective to formulate thoughts and concrete steps as an effort to achieve sustainable development goals.

"This conference is the right instrument and place to investigate how social science and political science can make a significant contribution in promoting the concept of sustainable development at various levels both at the local and global community levels," said the Dean of FISIP.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks at the opening of the event said that the role of social and political science in shaping society and political life must be considered. In this era of globalization, the challenges we face are increasingly complex, ranging from social inequality, political conflicts and climate change to humanitarian crises. Therefore, we need to continue to explore new knowledge and ideas as well as forge close cooperation to face these challenges.

This conference is also a great platform to develop a solid collaborative network among participants. The Chancellor also said that dialogue and exchange of ideas can enrich our perspectives, break through disciplinary boundaries, and create innovative solutions to problems faced by our society.

"I hope that during this conference, we can have productive, open and meaningful discussions. Let's listen to each other, respect differences of opinion, and try to build a deeper understanding of the complex reality that surrounds us," said the Rector of Unud.