Udayana University Becomes Host of FGD "Who are the Regional Envoys in the MPR Dissecting Who the Regional Envoys in the MPR are and how to fill them out"

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with the Secretariat General of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) "Who are the Regional Envoys in the MPR Dissecting Who the Regional Envoys are in the MPR and How to Fill It" located in the Nation Room of the Rector's Building Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (20/6/2023). This activity was attended by the Chairperson of the RI DPD AA Lanyalla M. Mattalitti, Members of the RI DPD Arya Wedakarna, Made Mangku Pastika, Bambang Santoso, Habib Ali Alwi and H Almalik Pababari; Special Staff of the Chairman of the DPD RI, Head of the Leadership Secretariat Bureau, Head of the Center for Design and Study of Legal Policy, Kings and Sultans, Rector of Udayana University, Vice Rectors of Udayana University, Heads of Institutions, Deans, Figures in Bali and students and other invitees.

The FGD presented two speakers namely Dr. Gede Marhaendra Wija Atmaja, SH., M.Hum (Faculty of Law, Unud) and Mohammad Novrizal, SH (Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia) and moderator Dr. Ni Luh Gede Astariyani, SH., MH.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks expressed his gratitude for the DPD RI's trust in Udayana University as the venue for the FGD. The Rector further said that around 2022 ago, there was a discourse that Regional Envoys should be considered to return to the membership of the Indonesian MPR. This is motivated by the argument that the existence of Regional Envoys has an important urgency to care for the nation's collective memory regarding the role of community groups in the history of Indonesian independence. However, it is undeniable that this discourse may generate many opinions, both pro and con. Regardless of the pros and cons issues, we must believe that the involvement of the Regional Envoy has an important meaning in the MPR institution.

In order to get a comprehensive thought on the Regional Representatives in the MPR, including who is considered appropriate for this, how the filling mechanism is, the FGD moment on this occasion is the right time for us to have an in-depth discussion, with a very academic nuance of course. Thus, it is hoped that this FGD will have a positive impact on the public in addressing the issue of the Regional Representative in the MPR.

"I really hope that the results of this FGD will be able to make a good contribution in the context of national and state life in Indonesia," said the Rector of Udayana University.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the RI DPD AA Lanyalla M. Mattalitti as the Keynote Speaker conveyed that our focus in this FGD is to talk about regional envoys, who are the regional envoys, and how to fill them in the MPR, after the MPR returns to become the highest state institution according to the state system formulated by the founders nation. Why do we have to go back, because the nation's founding fathers had agreed that this nation would not be able to run a purely western liberal democratic system, or an eastern communism system. Because Indonesia has a very complex social, cultural, economic and geographical configuration. That's why a separate system was chosen, namely the Pancasila Democracy system. Because only the Pancasila Democracy system has the highest institution capable of accommodating all elements of the nation as part of the incarnation of all the people.

The founding fathers of the nation when drafting the regional delegates had thought that the regional delegates in the MPR should be occupied by those who own territories in this archipelago. However, due to various technical difficulties the process of filling in the regional envoys at the MPR was never carried out as planned.

"For this reason, I offer all of us to agree on the birth of a National Consensus so that we return to Pancasila Democracy, return to the state system formulated by the founding fathers of the nation," he said.