Udayana University Attends Focus Group Discussion on Service Evaluation of DJPB Regional Offices in Bali Province

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara attended the Service Evaluation Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which was held online via the Zoom application by the Bali Provincial DJPb Office, Wednesday (14/6/2023).

This activity was carried out in connection with the implementation of Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, where the DJPb Regional Office as a state administration institution was formed to serve the community in the financial sector. The scope of services carried out according to their main duties and functions includes revision of DIPA, consulting services for budget implementation and/or BLU, determination of the maximum disbursement of non-centralized PNBP and others.

In order to evaluate these services that have been implemented in 2023, the Bali DJPb Regional Office held this activity. It is hoped that this evaluation will improve the quality of services at the DJPb Bali Regional Office in 2023.