LPPM Udayana University Provided General and Special Provisioning for 4,140 Students Participating in KKN

Jimbaran - Institute for Research and Community Service at Udayana University (LPPM Unud) held general and special debriefing activities for Student Community Empowerment Community Learning (KKN PPM) Period XXVII, OJK Thematic Literacy and financial inclusion KKN, and PUPR Ministry Infrastructure Thematic KKN on Thursday , June 8, 2023 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus. This activity presented two speakers, namely the Head of Bintibsos Sub-Directorate for Ditbinmas Polda Bali AKBP M. Taofiq, SH with the topic "Together with Our Young Generation Growing a Sense of Nationalism" and the Head of OJK Regional 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara Kristianti Puji Rahayu, SE., MBA with the material "Empowering Young Generation as Agents" Financial Literacy and Inclusion. The KKN debriefing which took place in a hybrid manner through the webex meeting application was opened directly by the Rector of Udayana University.

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. Dr. Drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, M.Si in his report said that the XXVII Period (July-August) 2023 KKN was attended by around 4,140 students from 13 faculties at Unud using 264 villages spread across eight districts, in the Province of Bali. Involved 264 field supervisors, 8 Korkab and 1 Korcam specifically for the Nusa Penida region. The implementation of KKN for the XXVII 2023 period begins with KKN registration (24 April-21 May 2023), village specialization (selection of KKN locations), provision of KKN, observation and outreach to KKN village locations, and deployment of KKN students (from 15 June to 27 August 2023). After the general debriefing, the following day it will be continued with special debriefing starting on June 9, 12, 13 and 14 2023 in this room also offline, each debriefing session as many as 600 students participating in KKN.

This time the KKN will carry the general theme: KKN serves the village, raises the quality of the economy, health, and society. The main programs are health, socio-economic and education. Another field is an assistance program that is really needed by the community in the village. In order to strengthen the KKN student work programs in the village, starting today KKN debriefing is carried out to provide the same understanding for all students regarding the implementation of KKN at Unud, community empowerment, KKN philosophy, social ethics in society and making work programs, proposals and KKN final report.

"I hope that all 4,140 KKN participants will take part in the general and special KKN debriefing programs thoroughly, and be able to listen seriously and carefully to the KKN debriefing material," said the Head of LPPM Unud.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his direction said of course this Community Service Program would be an interesting experience how it could be done as well as possible later. The success of KKN depends on oneself and he believes that students who take part in KKN can successfully carry out their respective duties. The thing that distinguishes KKN at Unud from KKN in other places is the PPM KKN, namely Community Empowerment Learning Real Work Lectures. Where the PPM KKN is intended to hone the soft skills of students outside the campus, namely dealing directly with the community. With all the competencies they already have, hopefully they can be applied so that later students can take lessons and experiences during this KKN. Every year there are two KKN periods, with these two opportunities, those who cannot take part in the current period can take part in the next one so that it is hoped that no students will have their graduation delayed because they have not taken part in the KKN.

"This KKN experience is something extraordinary for your later career journey for the rest of your life, don't waste it on how you can fill in the program from the first-last day in a timely manner without wasting time," said the Rector of Udayana University.