Lestari Entrepreneur Club (LEC) Goes to Campus at Udayana University

Denpasar - The Student Affairs Bureau of Udayana University (Unud) in collaboration with BPR Lestari is holding a "Lestari Entrepreneur Club (LEC) Goes to Campus" at Udayana University in 2023 located in the Nusantara Room Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Tuesday (6/6/2023). This activity presented speakers from the Head of Education and Consumer Protection Section of OJK Regional 8 Bali-Nusra I Gusti Bagus Adi Wijaya, I Nyoman Gede Mertayasa (Owner Mr. Takoyaki) and Komang Prima Homy Susanthi. In this activity besides sharing about entrepreneurship, there was also education from OJK regarding consumer protection and other financial products for students.

BPR Lestari Compliance Director Putu Yeni Jinarti in his remarks expressed his gratitude to Udayana University for providing a place and facilitating this activity. LEC Goes to Campus is the first activity carried out at Unud, but the relationship between BPR Lestari and Unud has been established more than ten years ago through Generasi Lestari. This Sustainable Generation is a scholarship recipient from BPR Lestari, hopefully this can be useful for future scholarship recipients. Besides that, at BPR Lestari there are also around 480 employees, most of whom are graduates from Unud.

This activity is in line with the program from the OJK to increase the financial literacy and inclusion index of the community, especially the younger generation so that they are wiser in managing their finances from a young age. It is hoped that through this activity students will gain useful and valuable knowledge for their future.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech expressed his gratitude to BPR Lestari and OJK for providing understanding in financial management and becoming young entrepreneurs for Unud students. The students who attend are expected to be able to listen and discuss with the speakers present in making a business. After listening to the speakers' explanations so that they change their mindset not as job seekers but to become job creators, where with entrepreneurs if there are only 14 percent in a country then that country is said to be advanced. Hopefully, what was conveyed by the speakers can change the mindset of students.

Furthermore, the Vice Rector said that the current MBKM does not have to work according to the knowledge they have. Activities like this are something that can provide enlightenment and change mindsets and we are ready to support anyone who comes to give a guest lecture, or as a teaching practitioner through the MBKM program. This will also support our MBKM achievements, because tertiary institutions are asked to perform through KPIs that must be met, namely regarding students with MBKM and achievements, including those who are self-employed. The Vice Rector also hopes that students who are interested in entrepreneurship will be given the opportunity to join the Lestari Entrepreneur Club.