Support Study Program Towards International Accreditation, LP3M Udayana University Holds OBE Workshop

Denpasar - The Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance at Udayana University (LP3M Unud) held Curriculum Workshops, Learning Achievement Measurement (CPL), and Outcame-Based Education (OBE) Assessment Instruments at the Meeting Room dr. A.A Made Djelantik Faculty of Medicine Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Monday (29/5/2023). The activity, which was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs on behalf of the Rector of Udayana University, presented a facilitator from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, namely Dr. Ir. Syamsul Arifin, MT. This workshop was attended by 170 participants consisting of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Wadir I Postgraduate, Faculty and Postgraduate UP3M and all Study Program Coordinators and the LP3M Team.

Secretary of LP3M Unud Prof. I Made Alit Employee Salain in his report stated that the implementation of OBE curriculum-based learning at Udayana University has not been thoroughly implemented by study programs, especially in terms of determining the CPL, even though this is one of the most important things for our graduates because of course this reflects the level of study success they have obtained. towards the CPL that has been determined by the study program. This is often a question when participating in the accreditation process, especially the international accreditation process. This is what underlies LP3M to carry out this workshop, as well as to increase understanding as a study program organizer and also to support especially study programs that will follow the international accreditation process.

"So we want to expand, according to our records, maybe later there will be only four additional study programs that comprehensively implement the OBE curriculum including the intention to determine learning outcomes, the level of CPL achievements, namely study programs that have recently followed IABEE international accreditation, so there are three of Faculty of Engineering and one from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. So that's why we are holding this workshop with this aim," said the Secretary of LP3M Unud.

While the Vice Rector Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja in his speech said that we must respond to technological developments, which of course technology requires innovation where the curriculum must be in line with the innovations needed in the industrial world. The challenge of education in the 21st century is the strategic role of higher education in bridging the gap between the process in higher education and the world of work which requires high innovation. Universities must produce graduates who have technological literacy skills, cultured human literacy, therefore we need to reorient curriculum development that is able to answer these challenges.

"OBE (Outcame-Based Education) is the answer to bridging the higher education curriculum with the needs of the industrial world which requires very high innovations, so the approach emphasizes this OBE on the sustainability of the learning process in an innovative, interactive and effective way," said the Vice Rector.

He hoped that the resource persons could transmit their understanding of the implementation of OBE and that the participants would pay attention to what had to be done to adjust the curriculum so that it was based on OBE.

The speaker Dr. Syamsul Arifin delivered a presentation on the CPL Curriculum and Assessment according to SN-Dikti with the OBE approach which began with a brief development of the development of the Higher Education Curriculum in Indonesia. In his presentation he also conveyed that initially the study programs at ITS were neatly arranged because they attended the AUN-QA certification and through this opportunity they would also share about the system at ITS regarding CPL. He also suggested that universities should visit each other to share progress.