FIBAA Accreditation Self Evaluation Report and Technical Guidance for 14 Socio-Humanities Study Programs at Udayana University

In preparation for the final stage of FIBAA accreditation, LP3M Udayana University (Unud) held a Self Evaluation Report (SER) Technical Review and Guidance - FIBAA, on Friday 26 May 2023 at the Mercure Hotel - Bali Sanur Resort. A total of 14 (fourteen) study programs with accreditation predicate A or excellent have been appointed by the Rector of Udayana University to prepare for and participate in this international accreditation, which are grouped into 4 clusters according to their faculties, each Study Program Bachelor-English Literature, Masters-Japanese Literature and S1-Indonesian Literature (Faculty of Cultural Studies); S1-Management, S1-Economics, S1-Accounting, and S2-Accounting Study Programs (Faculty of Economics and Business); Study Program S1-Travel Industry, S1-Tourism, S2-Tourism, and S3-Tourism (Faculty of Tourism); as well as the Bachelor of Law, Master of Law, and Doctor of Law Study Programs (Faculty of Law).

Preparation for FIBAA accreditation has gone through long preparations since kick-off in March 2022, socialization workshops, preparation and writing of SER, benchmarking to Diponegoro University Semarang, evaluation by an external reviewer in September 2022 by Dr. Dhanang from Undip and Novrys Ph.D. from Airlangga. Preparations were also made by facilitating the 14 study programs (and 6 other study programs that took part in international accreditation IABEE and ASIIN) to take part in international accreditation technical guidance organized by Belmawa and 3 PTs respectively Unair, ITS, UII from August – November 2022. This is a very useful activity because it is carried out in a systematic, structured and measurable programmed, so that it is hoped that each study program can really get the maximum benefit.

The Technical Guidance and Review which was held this time was held with an external reviewer Prof. Dr. ing. Ir. Herman Parung, M.Eng. from Hasanuddin University. Prof. Herman Parung is one of the AUN-QA Lead Assessors from Indonesia, who has conducted SER/SAR/LED evaluations for various international accreditations such as AUN-QA, ASIIN, FIBAA and IABEE. The SER FIBAA Unud manuscript which was dissected in this activity, had previously been evaluated and reviewed in detail two weeks before the activity which was carried out at the Mercure Hotel Sanur.

FIBAA review and technical guidance were held in parallel with the AUN-QA SAR alignment activities which were carried out in another room at the Mercure Hotel Sanur.

At the beginning of his presentation, Prof. Herman Parung delivered a general evaluation of the SER of 14 FIBAA Unud study programs, followed by lessons learned from the FIBAA assessment at Hasanuddin University last year. In the next session the SER of each study program was discussed sequentially according to each cluster and during the explanation the task force team and UP3M asked questions, clarifications and discussions to clarify the needed improvements to the draft SER.

The target of this activity is to get input for improving the SER, which will then be followed up with improvements so that it will be ready to be submitted to FIBAA in June 2023. It is hoped that the assessment and results will be realized by the end of 2023.