Starting with a Thesis, Law Faculty Students at Udayana University Registered the Pendet Memendak Dance to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Denpasar - Starting from his thesis, Ida Bagus Putra Swabawa Bukian who is a student of the Faculty of Law at Udayana University (Unud) succeeded in fighting for the recording of the Pendet Memendak Traditional Cultural Expression (EBT) at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkumham) Bali. So far, the Pendet Memendak Dance has not received legal protection.

The struggle for this recording is a follow-up and concrete step of the final project/thesis concerned with the title "Application of Legal Protection for Pendet Memendak Dance as a Traditional Cultural Expression at Saren Gong Temple, Kerambitan Village, Tabanan Regency".

Ida Bagus Bukian explained that the Pendet Memendak Dance is a sacred dance that is adhered to across generations in Tabanan Regency. According to him, legal protection for the Pendet Memendak Dance is very important to prevent imitation or plagiarism of copyrighted works. When impersonation occurs, it will be easier for the custodian to prove and file a lawsuit because he already has evidence in the form of a Communal Intellectual Property (KIK) certificate with registration number EBT51202300111.

Apart from that, Ida Bagus Bukian explained that the reason he registered the EBT was because of his concern for Balinese culture and traditions and was inspired by the service activities of the BEM Faculty of Law, Udayana University, namely Law Socialization and Fostered Villages (Soshum Desbin) and Iustitia Community Service.