Increasing Stakeholder Awareness and Engagement Among Academics, BPKP Collaborates with Udayana University Holds Public Lecture

The Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) in collaboration with Udayana University (Unud) held BPKP Goes To Campus activities through a public lecture with the theme "Starting Accountability to Build Sustainable Areas" at the Faculty of Medicine, Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Tuesday (9/5 /2023).

The BPKP Goes To Campus Public Lecture was opened by the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU which was marked by alternating the beating of the gong with the Head of BPKP Representative for Bali Province Muhammad Masykur. Two speakers were also present at this event, namely Agustinus Heri Setiawan (Coordinator of Supervision for IPP-BPKP Bali) and IG Setya Rudi Wiyana (Korwas JFA Bid Investigation Pwk. BPKP Bali Province).

The Rector of Udayana University in his remarks expressed his highest gratitude and appreciation to the Bali Provincial Representative Development and Financial Supervisory Agency for choosing Udayana University as the venue for the Public Lecture event.

In addition, he also conveyed that accountability is a terminology that is closely related to governance. Literally, accountability means "accountability" namely the ability to answer and the consequences of a policy. This means that the government must be able to answer various questions that arise from stakeholders regarding the exercise of authority, benefits, and results obtained in managing state finances.

State financial accountability is the obligation of state financial managers from both the central and regional governments to be accountable for the success and failure of activities, which are the end result of each stage of the APBN and APBD. State finances must be managed properly to avoid negative effects and losses experienced by the community. By carrying out good state financial management, of course, it will have a positive effect as well as progress and prosperity for the community.

State financial accountability must be realized through various stages of state financial management and accountability including planning and budgeting, budget execution, accounting, budget reporting and accountability, internal supervision and inspection by independent external auditors. Through these stages, it is expected to further optimize state management and improve the accountability quality of state financial management.

It is hoped that this public lecture can provide maximum benefits for the participants, and of course we do not forget to wish the 40th Anniversary of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency. Hopefully we can always carry out the mandate to strengthen state financial accountability, become more mature in supervising finance and development in Indonesia and more beneficial for the people of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bali Province BPKP Representative, Muhammad Masykur, said that the purpose of holding public lectures at Udayana University is to improve and develop internal control methods by focusing on flexibility, speed, and innovation in accordance with environmental changes. In addition, the benefits of holding this public lecture are to provide additional insight into the role and contribution of the BPKP, increase stakeholder awareness and engagement among academics as well as a medium for establishing synergy and collaboration to jointly realize adaptive supervision for sustainable growth.

"The collaboration with Udayana University that has been carried out is the implementation of the utilization of the Center of Excellence (research, application and study), improving higher education governance and increasing SPI capabilities," said the Head of BPKP Representative for Bali Province.